Thursday, March 7, 2013

It's Not My Favorite

Reading back on old blog updates, I sound a bit like an (annoyingly perky) broken record: “I love this age!” “Every month gets better and better as the kids get older.” “This is the best age yet.” Well, the kids are now almost three, and I’m here to break the cycle: This is NOT my favorite age. It has stopped getting better and better and started getting whinier and whinier. And tantrum-ier and tantrum-ier. I'm still a broken record, but now I sound more like this: "Stop whining. Stop whining right now." "Go to time-out. Go to time-out right now." "Brian, get me some wine. Get me some wine right now."

I have a VERY low tolerance for whining. But I kind of don't know how to stop it. I've tried ignoring it, time-out, etc., and I definitely do NOT give them what they want when they're whining. If anyone has any suggestions, I'm all ears. Unless I'm wearing my earplugs, which I seriously may start doing. My mom assures me that they'll grow out of it and they won't still be whining when they're 18, but I have my doubts. 

(Also, I just realized this entire post consists of me whining. About whining. Ha!)

Anyways, here is a pic of my kids not whining...because they're eating ice cream. And it's virtually impossible to whine while eating ice cream.

1 comment:

  1. Oh the whining. It drives me insane. I usually put on a happy face and enthusiastically change the subject to something of their liking, like Hot Fudge Sundae Pop Tarts. Works everytime.
