Sunday, December 1, 2013

First Day of School 2013

If you have a facebook account, you know when it's the first day of school. Even if you're not a parent or a teacher, you know. Because you are inundated with pics of super cute kids dressed in their snappy new clothes, holding up signs that say things like, "First Day of 3rd Grade", or "First Day of Pre-K", or whatever. I'm actually a big fan of these pics; I did one with the kids last year and I fully intended to do one this year. Had my cute sign printed out and everything. However, Charlotte had other ideas. First, she refused to wear the outfit I picked out for her. Fine. Then, she flat-out refused to get in the car (I did not even attempt to make her hold up the sign and smile). Next, she screamed the entire way to school and then, upon arriving there, informed me that she was "NOT going to go inside!" and that she was "just going to SIT HERE ON THE SIDEWALK!".

I have no idea where any of this came from. She's always loved school, and I expected her to run right in on the first day (like she did last year). I got her inside with Brian's help (thank goodness he came with me). She did end up having a good day, so I attempted to take their "first day of school" pic after school.

So that didn't really turn out facebook-worthy. But things improved after a couple of days, and she now runs into school happily every time. Thank was a rough couple of days for all of us!

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