Thursday, November 6, 2014

Watch Out, World! We're FOUR!

Somehow my babies turned four. As much as I hate that they're growing up, I was not sad to see age three was a rough year! We welcomed age four with open arms and the kids were so excited about their birthday this year.

We had quite the time trying to come up with a theme for their party. In the past they've been able to agree on a theme, but these big four-year-olds have definite opinions of what they want. We went back and forth and settled for a bit on "Spider-Man Saves Hello Kitty", but eventually landed on "Superheroes Save the Princesses".

They had a blast at their Pump it Up party with all their friends and family!

Sweet Charlotte got a bit overwhelmed by all the people in the room singing to her, but she held it together. 

Thank goodness for the minivan.

We opted to have guests bring donations for the local animal shelter instead of gifts. We got so much great stuff and the kids loved delivering it.

Dropping off their donations on their actual birthday.

On their actual birthday, they were so pumped to get their big gift...

...which they of course drove around for a bit but now never touch.

 They were also so excited for their first trip to the donut shop! (Yes, I have been given a hard time already for waiting four years to take them to get donuts!)

And the day just kept getting better...a big trampoline from Grandma and Grandpa!

Lunch with Grandma and Auntie Tammy.

Baking sweets for their class party.

 Worn out from all the jumping.

When C and J turned one, it was both a celebration and a sigh of relief, like, "We did it...we made it through that year". I have to say that when they turned four I felt something similar. Age three was a bit rough for several reasons, and when I look at where we were when they turned three versus where we were when they turned four, it seems like worlds apart. They have just grown and changed so much recently, and have amazed me with their bravery and kind natures. I am incredibly proud of the little people they are becoming and could not possibly love them more.

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