Thursday, August 20, 2009

Adoption FAIL

Brax met a potential adoptive family the other day. Usually, when one of my fosters meets a potential family, it goes like this: Family meets dog. Family loves dog. Family either a) professes their love for dog and practically begs to adopt him, or b) goes home, thinks it over for about 1.5 seconds, then sends me an email professing their love for the dog and convincing me why they are the perfect family for him. When Brax met his potential adopter the other day, I was convinced that this is what would happen again...the woman was young, no kids, had lost her own golden a few years ago and is just now at the place where she is ready for another dog. She also has experience dealing with thunderstorm anxiety--a perfect match!

Or apparently not. After she met him, she sent me an email saying she had also met another dog within our rescue group and realized that the other dog was the one for her. Braxy got rejected. The logical side of me is fine with this--the potential adopter picked the dog she felt was best for her, and she is giving a home to a dog who needs one. Brax will find the right home. The emotional side of me is feeling sad for Braxy. Fortunately he didn't know what was going on, so he's not feeling rejected and sad, but I am an over-sensitive weirdo, so I'm feeling it for him.

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