Sunday, June 27, 2010

She's OK!

Friday we had our renal sonogram and voiding cysto-urethrogram test done at Cook Children's. The sonogram was not too bad--we undressed little Charlotte and she laid on a warm blanket while the sono tech took a look at her bladder and kidneys. She handled it like a champ, and it brought back memories of the many sonograms I had done just a few months ago! The VCU test was a bit more traumatic. The four techs were taking forever to get everything set up (could they not have done that BEFORE she was lying on the x-ray table??) and once they were finally ready to go, they realized that they would need a smaller catheter. A bunch of geniuses, that group.

They finally got the catheter inserted, and they filled up her bladder and then had her empty it, all while taking several x-rays. Poor Brian was given the job of pinning Charlotte's arms down above her head...not a fun job at all for a concerned dad. She screamed until the part where we were able to give her a bottle (which they hadn't told us ahead of time we'd be able to do...the only reason I knew to bring a bottle was thanks to my friend Whitney, whose little Savannah unfortunately had to have the same procedure--so thanks, Whit!). The procedure seemed like it took forever but was finally over and we all made it out of there alive (but not before one of the techs argued with me about what size diapers Charlotte wore--um, I have changed a few diapers in the past eight weeks, I KNOW what size diapers she wears, thanks). Little Charlotte slept the entire way home and just a few hours later, we got great news...all of the tests came back normal! Such a relief. So it appears that the UTI was just a fluke thing, and it will hopefully be the first and last.

Our next adventure will be Tuesday when Charlotte and Jensen have their two-month checkup and first set of not looking forward to that!


  1. Yea!!! So glad everything is okay! BTW, what size diapers are they wearing? I still have some Newborns and Size 1's for you if you want them.....There are not a ton, but I am sure you go through them pretty fast!

  2. Hooray! Best part is, she won't remember a thing! I guarantee those shots are nothing compared to this. Motrin/Tylenol 30-45 minutes before you go and a lovey will make it all better! You guys are champs! :)

  3. Hi Marcy, Lisa Dwinell told me about your blog and about your daughter's sonogram and VCU test. My 8 month old daughter was diagnosed with a bladder infection last week. She had her sono this morn and is having the VCU test done next week. I was wondering how long the VCU test took? I am nervous/anxious about this test bc of the catheter...Ella wasn't too happy about the catheter last time they did it. Thanks in advance for your help :)

  4. Yeah! So glad to hear! Charlotte's such a brave little girl!
