Wednesday, June 30, 2010

You Know You're in Texas When...

...your babies get their first shots and are now sporting pink and blue camo band-aids on their sweet little thighs!

Jensen: 11 lbs, 8 oz

Charlotte: 9 lbs, 14 oz

Charlotte and Jensen had their two-month appointment yesterday. Honestly, the shots were a piece of cake compared to what Charlotte has been dealing with the past few weeks. First up was Charlotte. She got her shot and shrieked a bit (in typical Charlotte fashion) to show her displeasure. But within a matter of seconds, she was totally fine. Jensen came next and happened to be drinking a bottle at the time (because we know how he hates to miss a meal!). When he got his shot, he kind of looked around a little bit as if to say, "What was that and why did that just happen to me??"  But no tears and no fussing from my brave little man.

I am a bad mommy and can't remember the exact stats, but Jensen was somewhere around 50% for weight and 75% for height, while Charlotte was around 50% for height and 35% for weight...pretty darn impressive when you consider that a month ago, little Charlotte was so small that her weight was not even on the chart at all!

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