Thursday, January 31, 2013

Snow Day!

Those of you who live around here know that we actually had something of a white Christmas this year! Mostly little flurries and some ice...the kids noticed it and were definitely intrigued, but I managed to keep them indoors for the Christmas festivities. However, there was still snow on the ground the next day, and I figured they might like to venture out for some snow playtime. But then I realized that, being the Texans we are, we were quite ill-equipped for snow-playing. (I already have their swimsuits ready for this summer in case we get a 90-degree day in February, which is probably a more likely occurrence than snow.)

Anyways, we bundled up and headed into the backyard. Charlotte was gung-ho for the snow and kept telling me that she wanted to make a snow angel. (She watches quite a bit of Caillou. Caillou is Canadian, so there's lots of snow on that show.)

She plopped her little self down in the snow, which promptly soaked through her jeans. She then decided she was cold and wanted to go in the house.

Charlotte is not impressed.

Jensen was a bit more cautious but quickly decided that eating snow was a great way to spend time outdoors.

So the snow-playing was very short-lived and then we all ventured inside for hot chocolate and a snack. Not sure the kids are ready for their first trip to Caillou's (and Grandma's) homeland just yet, but maybe next year we'll at least spring for some more snow-appropriate attire!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Marcy!
    So after I read your comment, I'm really interested to learn more about your success with the oils. How long have you been using them? Which oils do you put on the twins' feet every night?

    Would you be willing to write a guest post on my blog (it doesn't have to be long or anything) telling how you use the oils on a daily basis and just a couple of examples of successes y'all have had? I'm getting really excited about these, and I've gotten a lot of comments and a few emails from people wanting to know more.

    My email is chelseasalomone05@gmail- I didn't have your email address to ask you about this or anything.
