Friday, March 6, 2009

An Introduction

In the past year or so, I have noticed an interesting phenomenon among my friends who have had babies: they have all started blogs! I was beginning to think that nurses in the hospitals were sending new moms home with their discharge papers, an immunization schedule, and blogger instructions. I was discussing this with my friend Kim (The Dillon Family), and she told me I should start a blog of my own. I reminded her that I don't yet have what seems to be the necessary pre-req (a baby!), but she said I could blog anyways...thanks, Kim! :)

So, here we go! You might ask, "Why the title 'Love is Golden?'" You might also ask, "What are you going to blog about? You don't have kids!" Although I can't really fathom this blog being interesting enough for anyone who doesn't know me to read, here's a little bit about me that will help answer both of those questions...

My name is Marcy, I'm 28 years old and have been married for over five years to my best friend in the world, Brian.We are are pretty low-key couple--we like hanging out with our friends, spending time together, and traveling when we can. As you have likely already guessed, we don't have any human babies of our own yet...but we do have an 80-pound, four-legged, extremely hairy baby. Our Golden Retriever, Bailey, is almost six years old and the love of our lives. I think she'll need a separate post for a proper introduction, but in the meantime, here is our girl:

This is one of the pictures we used for our Christmas card last year. Isn't she a good sport?

Anyways, our love for Bailey, and for Goldens in general, led us to a great group that rescues and re-homes stray and abandoned Golden Retrievers in the North Texas area. We've volunteered for the group for a few years now, and in December 2007, we took it to a new level when we became a foster home for Goldens who are waiting to be adopted into their "forever" homes. I think the concept of a foster home deserves its own post also, so for now, here's a brief rundown of the process: Basically, we take in these dogs and treat them like our own until the right family comes along to adopt them. It's fun, rewarding, and at times can be extremely challenging!

So I think that's what a lot of this blog will end up being about...just life in general, and the adventures we have with the many Goldens who come into our lives.

Thanks for reading!


  1. Yeah Marcy!! I'm so glad you started a blog! Now I can stay updated on your adventures! Take care, Christina

  2. You are so a just didn't actually go through labor. You also have foster children..suck it up, you deserve this blog.
