Friday, January 8, 2010

Happy Holidays!

Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year...all rolled into one blog post! I have had some computer issues, but I promise to try to be a better blogger now. Perhaps I should have made it my New Year's resolution!
 Thanksgiving Day. I remember thinking my baby bump looked huge...looking back, you can barely even see it at all!

Snow day! Bailey LOVES snow and gets so excited to go run around outside. I swear this dog is unable to feel cold.

Christmas morning, and Bailey's last Christmas being an "only child." We kept talking about how different our Christmas is going to be next year!

Brian and I love to go shopping for Bailey's stocking every year. This year we didn't do such a great job...we got her a nutcracker dog toy that she was afraid of at first. We had to really encourage her to investigate her stocking.

 Once she found the treats, she decided her stocking wasn't so bad. She even loves the nutcracker toy now!

 New Year's Eve! As you can see, I grew quite a bit over the holidays. After all, I was eating for three! Brian kept asking if I wouldn't just rather stay home on New Year's rather than go out, but I wanted to spend the evening with our friends. I am pleased to say I reached my goal of staying out until midnight to welcome the year 2010...but just barely! I believe we went home at about 12:05 a.m.

 Me and Casey on NYE.

Silly boys. And yes, that is my little bro dancing around with a champagne bottle.

Ah, the joys of being sober on New Year's. You get to be unofficially in charge of documenting the evening's events as your friends get to be unofficially in charge of dancing around like a bunch of drunkards!

Anyways, I hope everyone had a great holiday season. Like I said, I am going to be a better blogger this year...I promise!

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