Monday, May 10, 2010

Newborn Picture FAIL

Today we ventured out to get Charlotte and Jensen's newborn pictures taken. I must say, it was a very exciting event for me. I showered! I dug out my dusty makeup bag and put some makeup on! I fixed my hair! I put on real clothes (okay, they were maternity jeans, but whatever). We drove to the photography studio and had a two hour window in which to get some cute pics of our adorable kiddos. It did not go so well. Within the two hours, I think one of them was pretty much crying the whole time (I think they're going through a growth spurt today). We were also warned that during the cute naked baby picture taking, mom and dad often get peed or pooped on. I am proud to say that neither baby used me as a diaper, but Brian did not fare so well. Charlotte peed on him once, then pooped on him--no lie--THREE times. In his hands, on his shirt, etc. Then Jensen pooped on him a bit for good measure. What can you do, right? Brian took it like a man and hopefully we did get at least a few good pictures.

In the meantime, here are some that we have taken at home...

Welcome to the world, Charlotte and Jensen!

Our handsome little man.

Pretty girl smiling at Grandma.

Little baby, big dog.

"Hi, Brother!"


  1. They are adorable!! I can't wait to meet them!

  2. Ha! You are too funny, and you're babies are too precious! My mom wants you to write books because she thoroughly enjoys your posts. The one before this made her cry!

  3. I can't remember such a funny first photo visit. Brian is really getting initiated into fatherhood in a big way!! These pictures are just too cute. They seem to have your eyes, Marcy, big and expressive. Bailey looks really comfortable with them...they will love her as they grow up...what a pal for them. As always, be looking forward to your next blog...

  4. Pam was reading this to me at work yesterday (before I had seen it)...she came to the part about you putting on clothes. I interrupted and said "real clothes"..she gave me your line about maternity jeans. We had a laugh. You are a wonderful writer..I can see a career change (again). Love the one with Bailey. Also love the poop parts...I tried to picture it but I bet it was better in real life.
