Saturday, May 22, 2010


I leave the house very rarely. Charlotte and Jensen pretty much NEVER leave the house. We have been really good about having limited adult visitors and no kid visitors. So I would love to know how Charlotte, Jensen and I have all come down with strep throat. Actually, scratch that. I don't really care how we got it. I just want it GONE. And I want to sleep for 24 hours or so. Welcome to parenthood, huh??


  1. WHAT????? how the heck did that happen? I'm so sorry Marcy. Try to think of it as "building up their immune systems. Does that help any? yeah I know it doesn't..sorry.

  2. Oh, I am so sorry!!! How terrible!! I guess good thing I didn't bring those diapers over the other day! Maybe you picked something up when Jenson had his little procedure??

  3. Oh no! I've been in the same position numerous times-no fun!
