Monday, August 15, 2011

Indoor Fun

With this crazy, almost-record-breaking heat wave that we've been suffering through, the kiddos and I have resorted to looking at the backyard longingly through the windows and finding fun things to do indoors. Last week, Cristi and I took C & J up to the bounce house place at the mall. I know what you're thinking...The Parks Mall? That place is kinda scary! But it really isn't too bad when you get there right at 10 and leave by noon. It was Charlie and Jensen's first experience with bounce houses, and it took them a little while to get the hang of things...but once they did, they had a great time!

Cristi and Charlotte. Yes, I like to make my 8-months-pregnant friends leave the comfort of their air-conditioned homes and come chase my kids around the bounce house place.

Little Dude bouncin'.

"Hellooooo, out there!"

They were usually the only ones in each bounce house.

I loved how tiny C & J looked in even the small bounce houses!

Towards the end of our you can see, she got a bit sleepy!
We also had a recent playdate with our friends from our multiples group. This one wasn't exactly indoors, but on a very nice church playground that was completely covered with awnings. It was so nice to play in the shade!

"Hey brother, wait for me!"

My little wild man was livin' on the edge!

Happy boy.

And not-so-happy girl.

Dirty little feet. Such a boy!

He had to explore everything.
You might have noticed there aren't many pictures of Charlie at the playground...that would be because she was in quite a mood that day. She was in rare form, even for her! When we first got there, she was being super clingy and didn't want to get down and play. No problem. But then she got down and decided that she wanted to climb up the slide instead of slide down. When she was unable to do so (not because I stopped her but because she physically couldn't) that just set her off and she threw tantrum after tantrum, all the while refusing to give up trying to climb up the slide. There were a few times when she was sobbing while attempting to climb the slide. Poor girl...I'm honestly just not sure how to handle her when she's like that.

Anyways, onto our next indoor activity. The other day my very smart friend Whitney texted me a pic of her twins enjoying a fun, free, air-conditioned activity. I decided to copy her and a few days later took C & J up to PetSmart for some entertainment. A good time was had by all...but mostly by Jensen! I think he's going to need a small pet of some kind one of these days.


Jensen was being his usual loud self and shrieking with delight at each animal. I love his face in the next pic (you might have to blow it up):

Half-excited, half-crazed. That's my little guy.

Summer is finally coming to an end...and we are really looking forward to long wagon rides, walks, playing in the backyard, and all the fun that will come with the cooler weather!

1 comment:

  1. I guess PetSmart is the new "free" mini zoo. I had no idea.
