Thursday, August 25, 2011

Sixteen Months!

Wait...didn't we just read a 15-month post, like, a week ago? Yes, that's what happens when I get behind. I'm attempting to get back on on that note, Happy 16 Months, Charlotte and Jensen!

Charlotte Anne at 16 Months

Blueberry face!

Little Bitty Bug: I bought her this skirt from Baby Gap in size 12-18 months thinking it would fit. As you can see, it does literally falls off her. By the time she gets to wear it, it will be wayyyyy past Labor Day!

Looking sweet in her smocked dress.

The morning after her first night in two-piece pajamas.

She stole Jensen's prized horse for a quick ride.

Charlie has been doing a bit better, attitude-wise, in the past few weeks. The other day I noticed that she has two more teeth toward the back (molars, maybe? I am pretty much the worst dental hygienist-wannabe ever!) so maybe some of her fussiness has been caused by teething pain. That brings her total up to ten teeth. She is still wearing mostly size 12-month clothes, although they are starting to get too short on her.

Charlotte is beginning to show a bit of a nurturing side toward her brother. We have begun putting the kids in time-out when they don't listen to us or do something they know they aren't supposed to do, and Charlotte is very sympathetic when Jensen is doing his time. The other day she actually brought him a sippy cup of milk when he was in was a real struggle for Brian and I to maintain our "stern parent" faces and not break into laughter! She will also feed her bro pieces of her snacks and bring him his shoes and "softies" on occasion. Charlotte still LOVES her naps. When we ask if she's ready to go see her bunnies (our code for nap time or bed time) she squeals with excitement and raises her arms to be picked up. She then begins to say "bye-bye" to anyone else in the room (usually just her brother, but sometimes Daddy) and when I get to her little pack-n-play (yes that's still where she sleeps!) she practically throws herself in. I am soooo lucky that she loves her naps...I hope that's always the case!

Jensen Todd at Sixteen Months

Stuck in his drum...again.

This little tree sprouted up in our backyard. We thought it'd be fun to get a pic of the kids beside it to see how the tree and kids grow...this was the best we could do!

Sunscreen in hair + nap = Nick Nolte mugshot hair.

Little dude could NOT figure out how to drink from a straw...until one day, he just did it. Now he loves straws!

I am proud to report that my little dude has gone from four teeth to eight teeth! (Well, they are technically still just white points but they have broken through his gums so I say they count.) He's been a crabby guy due to getting four teeth at once, so (although you can't tell from the above pics!) he's not been as happy as usual. He is wearing 18-24 month clothes and his size 4.5 (wide) shoes are getting too small for him...another trip to Stride Rite is in our near future. I just noticed that he needs yet another haircut so we'll probably do that before school starts, too.

Jensen is trying really hard to communicate, but words don't seem to be coming too easily for him. He still gets his point across by pointing and making noises for what he wants, and he is also so observant and great at following instructions. I can ask him to go get things and he usually will, even if it's something that is in another room. The other day I couldn't find my cell phone. I said, "Jensen, have you seen Mommy's cell phone?" and he looked at me for a second, then walked over to his toy box and pulled it out. I guess he'd hidden it there earlier, little sneak! Anyways, our doctor is not concerned about his lack of vocab since he is clearly very social and interested in I guess I'm not too worried either.

Happy 16 months to my troublemaking duo! I love you two more each and every day!

1 comment:

  1. My laugh out loud moment from this post was the Nick Nolte mugshot..who doesn't love and treasure the memory of that moment in history.
