Sunday, September 18, 2011

A Breakdown of a Meltdown

My stinkers have been throwing some impressive tantrums lately. Is it possible for the Terrible Twos to arrive a bit early...say, at 16 months?? I usually try to ignore them, but the other morning I happened to have my phone in hand during a Charlie-Bug meltdown so I went ahead and did some documenting (to show future boyfriends, perhaps?).

Oh, and the cause for this particular tantrum? She wanted the faucet turned on. It was too cold that morning to play in the water...sorry, Charlie!

Charlotte begins her protests...

A brief pause for a pleading look at Mommy to see if the tantrum is working.

Charlotte sees that the pleading look didn't work, so she resumes the tantrum. She also adds foot-stomping for good measure.

Brother comes to investigate. He is rewarded with a shove and soon becomes the target of Charlie's anger.

Charlotte decides she needs to be saved from Jensen. Jensen remains puzzled as to just what the problem is.

A plane flies by overhead. Distraction!

And she's smiling again. Planes are fun, her annoying brother left her alone, and the faucet is forgotten. All's right in Charlie-Bug world.


  1. This cracks me up- and looks all too familiar!! These random tantrums are going on at our house too!! From Ben.....and sometimes Addy!

  2. My favorite part is the look on Jensen's innocent little face
