Friday, September 2, 2011

First Date

I have a bit of a reputation among my family for being...shall we say...opinionated about the girls my little brother chooses to date. What can I say, sometimes I just feel compelled to share my opinions with the rest of the family...and over the years I have been given various lectures with themes including minding my own business, keeping my thoughts to myself, and just plain being nice in general. My heart has always been in the right place, though...I love my brother and want the best for him.* If I'm this crazy overprotective concerned about my brother, poor Jensen is going to really to be in for it...or should I say, the girls he dates are going to be in for it!

But for now, the main girl in Jensen's life is...

His mama!
Look at him! Already trying to get out of mommy's grasp!

My little dude and I had our first "date" the other day...he needed a haircut and my mom volunteered to watch Charlie so I could take him. He was a little angel at the hair salon, so I decided to take him for a little mommy-son lunch afterwards. This was the first time I'd taken one of the twins to a restaurant by myself, and it was so much fun to just be able to focus on him. I remember my dad used to take my brother and I on father-son or father-daughter outings and it was nice to be the sole focus of attention. Brian and I plan on regularly taking Charlotte and Jensen out somewhere fun alone. Now I need to think of somewhere to take Charlotte so we can have a little mommy-daughter date! (I can tell you this much, it won't be to the hair salon. I think Charlotte will be about ten before I work up the courage to take her for a haircut...I can tell you right now, it ain't gonna be pretty!)

Mmmm...grilled cheese!

So handsome!

Hello, friends!

 *I feel it's worth noting that one of Todd's girlfriends to whom I gave a thumbs-down was spotted years later doing some modeling...and by modeling, I mean straddling a motorcycle whilst wearing a skimpy bikini. True story. And NOT what's best for him (in my humble opinion).

1 comment:

  1. Awww, so cute! It looks like Jensen was the perfect gentleman!
