Monday, September 12, 2011

Preschool Wrap-Up: Week Two

Two weeks into preschool, and here's what we've done (and haven't done) so far:

Charlotte and Jensen Have...
  • Napped on nap mats every day!
  • Played outside, gone for nature walks, and attended music and "Stretch-n-Grow" class.
  • Practiced giving a baby a bath and putting groceries into a grocery cart.
  • Learned how they are growing, and Jesus grew (Luke 2:52)
  • Channeled their inner Picassos:

Charlotte and Jensen Have Not...
  • Let me get away at drop-off with no tears. Charlotte still screams each time, although her teacher assures me she stops soon after I leave. Jensen, of course, reaches for his teacher and hardly gives me a backward glance. (Sniff, sniff.)
  • Had to come home early! I've been extremely worried that I would get a phone call to come and get an inconsolable Charlotte, but so far so good on that one.
  • Come home clean. They come home each day exhausted and dirty...the evidence of a hard day of playing. I love it.
I Have...
  • Done lots of shopping: For the kids, for the house, for myself. It's so easy to go places alone. My credit card (and husband) may be the only ones not enjoying the kiddos being in school!
  • Gotten done lots of tiny things around the house that are pretty much impossible to do with two toddlers running around.
  • Missed my stinkers like crazy.
  • Started a few Pinterest-inspired crafts. 
I Have Not...
  • Finished any Pinterest-inspired crafts.
  • Made it to the kids' 2:30 pick-up time (with the exception of the train on the first day). I always end up getting there early...even though I've only been away from Charlotte and Jensen for five hours, I get so excited and can't make myself wait.
  • Thrown away any of the daily reports their teacher sends home. I have no idea what I'm going to do with them.
  • Turned on the TV.
  • Eaten a single bon-bon (must add that to this week's to-do list!).
All in all, preschool is going great so far! I am already amazed at everything Charlotte and Jensen have experienced and I can't wait to see what the rest of the school year has in store for us.

1 comment:

  1. Whew...about time. I was getting sick of checking back here all the time. You made the read enjoyable once again. Note to need some bon bon's
