Friday, December 30, 2011

Merry Christmas from the Family!

Our family had a great Christmas this year. Although Charlotte and Jensen don't fully "get" the whole Santa thing, it was still fun to watch them take in all the sights, sounds, and tastes that the holiday season has to offer.

First up...Santa! Let's just say neither Charlotte nor Jensen is a fan. We had two opportunities to see Santa this year and the pic I posted last week was literally the only photo we got of both kids together with Ol' Saint Nick. If you asked Jensen if he wanted to see Santa (or if he ever found himself in the same room with Santa) he would shake his head "no" while sloooowly backing away. Charlotte found herself intrigued and would smile, point, and say "Santa!" but when it came time to sit on his lap she wanted no part of it.

We celebrated Christmas with Brian's side of the family the weekend before Christmas. The entire fam gathered at Granbury and all of us (especially the kiddos!) were entirely spoiled with gifts. I was too busy corralling C & J to take many pictures, but here are a few from the Grzych's camera:

A little cuddle time for Jensen and Papaw (aka "the baby whisperer" and the one and only person who can get Jensen to sleep at the lake!).

The Shelton girls...Charlie, Haven and Piper.

My sweet Bug was a bit overwhelmed by all the action. She stuck VERY close to me all day.

The kids had so much fun playing together, as usual, and Jensen is really loving his cousin Knox. Knox is nine months older than Jensen so of course Jensen just thinks he is too one point they zipped themselves into a large (soft) dog crate and had a blast wrestling. So much fun to have another rough-and-tumble dude around!

We spent much of Christmas Eve day and Christmas day at my parents house. My brother had to work on Christmas Eve, so my mom was feeling a bit down about not having him around at our annual dinner. I think the babies provided a bit of a distraction, though!

They "helped" my mom and I bake by licking the beaters...

They shared snacks with Jazzie and Bear...

And they did really well at our Christmas Eve dinner at La Gondola (in fact the waiter even commented that they were really well-behaved! Here's the secret: Give Jensen as much ranch dressing as he wants. He will be too busy shoving it into his mouth to misbehave.).

On Christmas morning Charlotte and Jensen were up bright and early, so we brought them downstairs to see what Santa brought. Their big gift from Santa was a Learning Tower so that they can watch me in the kitchen. They immediately climbed up into it and were not the least bit interested in coming down to open any more gifts, so they chilled in the tower while Mommy opened their gifts for them. Afterwards, we headed to my parents house where C & J were presented with their very own easy chairs:

They were very impressed with their chairs until Charlotte decided to check and see if hers was a rocking chair...when she discovered she couldn't make the chair rock, she was greatly displeased. The below pic shows Charlie flailing around mid-tantrum:

I'm so proud.
Uncle Dot and Aunt Biff arrived, and the gift-opening began.

Jensen likes to multitask, so he is eating a graham cracker while opening gifts.

After the festivities, the four of us headed home so that Charlotte and Jensen could nap while Brian and I attempted to find places for all of the kids' new loot. Once they were up, we spent the rest of the afternoon relaxing at home. I decided to make some cookies so C & J could try out their new Learning Tower.

This is pretty awesome!

So helpful. (And there's the ever-present graham cracker.)

Yeah, you might want to think twice before eating any homemade goodies from me.

Charlotte and Jensen were at an interesting age this year...not old enough to demand or even expect presents but delighted to be ripping tissue paper out of gift bags. Definitely not old enough to understand the true meaning of Christmas but that will change in the years to come. Until next year...Merry Christmas and Happy 2012!


  1. What a fun Christmas! Wow- I can't believe how big the twins look in these pictures though.

  2. Oh crud...I ate the goodies you brought to the library. I would have died by now, I think I'm safe. Will think deeper about eating from the next batch...naw, I'm pretty sure I'll eat it anyway.
