Friday, April 20, 2012

Butterfly in the Sky...

As soon as I heard about the Butterfly Exhibit at the Fort Worth Botanic Gardens, I knew I had to take the kids. A playdate was set up with some of our twin friends so we all me there one morning. Once we got inside the exhibit we were all too busy running after our own twins to actually get to hang out with one another, but the exhibit was really fun nonetheless. Charlotte preferred to stick close to (and be carried by) Grandma (much to Grandma's you know she is from Canada. The exhibit was in a and humid! Grandma didn't last too long in there before retreating outside with Charlie to look at the flowers.). Jensen was in heaven...butterflies are absolutely one of his favorite things and the exhibit did not disappoint!

I was cracking up at Charlotte's hair in the curled right up! I have a lot to learn about curly hair!

Jensen looking at fish with his buddy Jackson.

Despite the warmth and humidity, it was a really fun experience for the kids. I even took Jensen back again on a Singleton Day. We will definitely be visiting the butterflies again next year!

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