Sunday, April 15, 2012

Our Unhealthy Week

We had an interesting week that started with Brian going out of town for work. Since I hate being dog-less on nights that Brian is gone, my mom loaned me this vicious guard dog to protect me:

And by protect, I mean sleep soundly while taking up half the bed. That's okay; I like the company!

On Tuesday afternoon we wound up at the doctor for a suspected bladder infection for Charlotte. However, whether it really was a bladder infection remains unknown...the little stinker absolutely refuses to pee with a little plastic baggie taped to her and I refuse to let them do the catheter. So we never got a pee sample, but her symptoms went away on their own and all is well there. The same can't be said for brother, though...when I was at the doctor with Charlie, my mom called and said Jensen was crying and feverish. So up to the doctor's office they came and J was diagnosed with yet another ear infection, earning him antibiotics and a referral to an ENT. The poor guy was seriously as pitiful as I've ever seen him and we spent the rest of the afternoon lounging in Mommy's bed watching Elmo and napping.

My angel baby.

All was well on Wednesday, then Thursday I woke up feeling terrible. I usually try to avoid going to the doctor at all costs but I felt so yucky that I knew antibiotics were in order. So I got my antibiotics and a steroid shot, and the best part of all was that my mom kept the kiddos at her house for the rest of the day so I could get some r&r. I woke up Friday feeling much better...just in time for my next doctor's appointment!

This time I was off to the orthopedic surgeon. In the past few months I have begun making more of an attempt to get in shape by taking some different classes at the gym and even joining a bootcamp-type class. However, all I seem to have accomplished is earning myself a knee that pops constantly, slides around, and feels generally unstable. The good news is that while at the doctor's office I got to change into these awesome paper shorts:

Anyways, I was hoping to receive some instructions for knee-strengthening exercises and maybe even orders to attend physical therapy, but the doctor checked out my knee for about five minutes before telling me that all the physical therapy in the world wouldn't help...I need surgery for my (official diagnosis) patellar subluxation. I instantly thought about everything I have to and weddings and, oh yeah, raise two 2-year-olds! I don't have time for knee surgery! So needless to say I am a little overwhelmed and anxious (and maybe still in a bit of denial) right now about how this is all going to work out...I just keep reminding myself that I have the world's best support system and we will all get through it together.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, please tell me you got to keep the shorts. I'm really sorry about the knee Marcy.
