Wednesday, October 3, 2012

My Little Country Kids

While Brian and I were away, Charlotte and Jensen were very well taken care of by Brian's parents, my parents, and of course their Auntie Tammy. On Sunday, my parents took the kids out to my Aunt Nancy's house in Red Oak. They have lots of land and even horses to feed! Apparently as soon as Charlotte saw the horses she started yelling, "Grandpa, stop the car!" so she could get out and see them.

(Yes, I know this is a donkey and not a horse. There are horse pics coming.)

Born to ride.

The kiddos has a great time in the country and have been talking about going back. One exception to the good time was Charlotte's unfortunate run-in with fire ants that resulted in this:

Yes, the poor thing stood in an ant bed and paid the price. I keep trying to count the bites but Charlotte loses patience and I lose count...I got up to 37 one time so it's more than that. It has been over a week and they are still red and scabby and gross. Maybe it's just me but it sure seems like fire ants are EVERYWHERE this year and I've been just waiting for the day one of them got bit...and Charlotte did it in a big way! Jensen got one bite on his hand and he has been milking it for all it's worth, bringing me the benadryl cream repeatedly and telling me he needs cream on his bite. In other words, being a total boy!

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