Monday, November 19, 2012

The Many Moods of Charlotte the Cupcake

(aka, Halloween 2012)

My days of dressing my kids up in cute matching costumes are over. This year they had definite opinions on what they wanted to be for Halloween: Charlotte had been asking since July to be a cupcake (after seeing one in a Toys 'r' Us catalog), and Jensen (after browsing online with me) decided on a "scary alligator" costume. 

I ordered the costumes, and when they arrived, Jensen examined his excitedly and immediately wanted to put it on. He loved it, especially his tail, and wore it several times before Halloween. Charlotte, on the other hand, saw her costume and refused to put it on (yes, even though she had been asking for it since July). She is a mystery, that girl. On Halloween, I finally managed to coerce her into her costume using promises of "candy and chocolate", but it was quite the battle!

 The cutest "scary alligator" in the world!

Jensen liked wearing his costume, he liked the candy, and he was an all-around pleasant dude on Halloween. Now onto his sister...well, she wore her costume, but she wasn't exactly thrilled about it. There are so many of these pics but her facial expressions crack me up in each one.

Once she got some candy, she was much happier!

 But once Mommy said "no more candy!", she was not so happy anymore...

And of course it was much harder this year to try to get pictures of the two of them together (as well as a family picture). This was the best we could do:

So, happy Halloween 2012 from Brian, the Scary Alligator, the Moody Cupcake, and Marcy!

1 comment:

  1. Yep, YOU have chosen the last costumes for them. Hope you appreciated it when you had the chance. They will never listen to your brilliant ideas about cute costumes. I loved Charlotte's choice, and I also loved that she hated it when she got it. Yep, both kids are adorable.
