Monday, April 29, 2013

C&J's Spring Program

Charlotte and Jensen's preschool presented its annual Spring Program a couple weeks ago. Little Miss Charlotte had been practicing...and practicing...and practicing. You already know that this girl loves to sing morning, noon and night (literally, in the middle of the night. She sings in her bed. We lie awake listening to it.). I have joked around with her music teacher about the songs that keep us awake at night. (Actually, the kids' music teacher says Charlotte has a "music memory" or something like that, where you are just super good at remembering songs after only hearing them a time or two.)

Anyways, I won what I consider to be an AWESOME prize in the school raffle--front-row tickets for four to the program! Seriously, only a mom would be so happy about a prize like that. I was so excited to get to tell the kids that we would be right there in the front row watching them perform. Brian was out of town (more on that in a later post), so my mom, my dad, Brian's mom, and I settled in for the show.

(I videoed the show for Brian while my mom took retrospect, a bad idea. Sorry're the best Grandma in the world, but photography is apparently not your thing!) So here are four of basically the same picture:

What you can't really see in the pics is that our little Mr. Dude came out and totally surprised us all by singing all the words and doing all the hand motions. Charlotte just looked around 'til she found us, then looked so happy to see us that she just kind of stood there smiling at us and halfway doing the song. But Jensen seemed to take his performance very seriously. Charlotte always makes him perform with her at home, and he kind of just stands there and lets her do her thing, so we were so pleasantly surprised to see him walk out on stage and do all the hand motions that we had never seen him do at home.

And as for Charlotte, she's still singing her program song morning, noon and night...and since she got to sit on our laps and watch the remainder of the program, she picked up on some of the other kids' performance songs as well. I can only wonder which one I will hear in the middle of the night tonight!

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