Sunday, June 9, 2013

Happy 3rd Birthday, Charlotte Anne!

Dear Charlotte,

You are three! Watching you grow this past year has been're no longer a cute little toddler, but a beautiful, long-legged little girl. And while you've grown so much, some things haven't changed at all throughout the past three years: your intelligence, sense of humor, and animated spirit keep us alternately smiling and trying to think of ways to out-smart you!

Your very favorite things at age three...first, I would have to say music. You love to sing and can memorize a song amazingly fast. You like to lie in your bed and sing to yourself...if you wake up in the middle of the night, you will often sing yourself back to sleep. When you hear a song that you know or like, you will stop what you're doing and intently stare at the source...if it's coming from the computer, you'll just sit and watch the blank screen. If it's me singing, you'll stare at my mouth to try to memorize the words. You really have an ear for music and it's so interesting for us to watch your mind at work.

You also adore your books. You read all the time and have many books memorized. Your dad and I will sit and listen in amazement as you "read" an entire book that you've only had for a week or so. You insist on keeping books in your bed and you usually read before you go to sleep at night.

Charlie, you've always been a very particular girl (and your dad admits you get this from him!) and that hasn't changed this year. You are quite set in your ways and once your mind is made up, you absolutely cannot be persuaded to change it. For example, as far as shoes are concerned, you will wear Crocs and Converse. Period, end of story. You received some very cute hand-me-down flip-flops and sparkly Keds the other day, and you took one look at them and exclaimed, "But I like my Crocs!". You will only allow me to put a tiny bow in your hair to hold it off your face. No ponytails, no headbands, no bows that are, in your words, "too big!". You wear your jeggings almost every day and pretty much never wear dresses without them underneath (noticing a theme here? You're not exactly a girly-girl!).

You fight us tooth-and-nail on things you don't want to do. Every night, yes, literally every night, you scream and cry during your bath. You decided you don't like to take a bath and that's that. I'm shocked that the neighbors haven't come to investigate all the noise, because I'm not talking about a little whining here...I'm talking serious shrieking. Our current battle is swim lessons. You love to play in the pool, but you decided you don't want to take swim every lesson is a battle. You begin to cry and scream the minute you see your swimsuit, and you don't stop until the lesson is over. And let's not forget potty training. You just flat out refuse to go on the potty. Oddly enough, you would go at school for your teachers, but you've made up your mind that you aren't going to do it at home. I'm not sure what to do to change your mind...but hopefully by the time you're reading this I'll have thought of something!

You are very into Mommy these days...and you are very concerned with everyone and everything having a Mommy and a Daddy. If you have a stuffed animal for which you cannot find a suitable parental figure, you will instruct me to stop what I'm doing and cuddle the stuffed animal because it needs a Mommy. You've informed me that you would like a baby sister named Rosie (although I feel certain you'd change your mind pretty quick if you were ever faced with having a real baby brother or sister!). Sometimes, when you're acting a little whiney, we (actually your dad) figured out that you really just want to be cuddled.

You grab your Lovey (can't go anywhere without Lovey!) and plant yourself on my lap for a cuddle, then all is right in Charlie's world once again. You are also way more into your brother than you have been in the past. You often ask him, "Jensen do you want to play with me?", and if you are in the mood to perform a song, you will usually ask him to sing with you. (He often says, "No, thank you",  which doesn't make you very happy!)

This year, you developed your first crush. One day I asked you something about your friends at school, and you brought up a little boy named Cooper. I hadn't heard this name before, so of course I had to ask your teacher about him (yes, I plan on stalking you and your crushes until you're married. Sorry.). She informed me that Cooper was in the Old 2s class and that you and Cooper enjoyed playing together. She said Cooper was quiet, like you, and that you two gravitated toward each other and really just preferred to play near each other rather than really interact. Your teacher also said that you have good taste, as Cooper is a very sweet boy. Good job, Charlie!

You really alternate between being quiet and chatting up a storm. When you're happy and comfortable and playing at home, you rarely stop talking (and/or singing). But when in a new place or around lots of people, you are very are so observant and you take in and study everyone around you. Then later, you'll randomly bring up details that I never would have guessed you were noticing. On a recent visit to Grandma and Grandpa's house, you walked into their bathroom and immediately asked why they had gotten a new scale in their bathroom. It's so crazy the things you notice and remember!

Charlie, at three years old, you are such a beauty! You have your Aunt Holly's almond-shaped eyes (but yours are an amazing blue/grey color), a cute little button nose, and a priceless little dimple. Sadly I don't think that your great smile will ever be captured by a professional're not much for getting your picture taken by strangers, so I have to try to do my best to capture your smile using my very non-professional skills.

Charlotte...these past three years with you have been amazing. You are bright and hilarious and strong and so very are truly your own person and we wouldn't change you for the world. You bring so much joy to our family and we absolutely can't imagine our lives without you. Happy third birthday, Charlie Bug!

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