Thursday, June 20, 2013

Happy 3rd Birthday, Jensen Todd!

Dear Jensen,

Little dude, you are three! What a wonderful year we have had together. You have learned so much and absolutely blown us away by how sweet, thoughtful, perceptive and SMART you are.

At age three, you are all boy. If it crawls, has wheels, or is just gross in general, you love it. Your favorite is trucks, excavators in particular. We have spent countless hours in the car driving around looking for, or even parked at, construction sites. You LOVE to watch the excavators at work. Any time you get to pick out a toy, I can rest assured that it will be a truck, or train, of some kind.

At our end-of-the-year conference with your preschool teacher, she mentioned that you are the silent leader of the class. She said that, while you are never bossy or loud, other children just seem to naturally look to you to see what to do. Ever since she said that, we have been noticing that it's true. When in groups of children, you are interested in what they are doing, but if it doesn't look like something you want to do, you will just go do something else. You don't seem to have any desire to just "follow the crowd" do your own thing, and oftentimes others end up wanting to join you. That's not to say that you don't enjoy playing with your love a good game of chase or wrestling with your buddies!

Jensen, you have a knack for figuring out how things work...from constructing a complicated train track to figuring out how to get into something you shouldn't, you are extremely clever. Your favorite thing to say is "Why?", which should probably be getting old by now considering I hear it at least 50 times a day, but you say it with the cutest little lilt in your voice that I could listen to it all day long. One night, after putting you to bed, your dad came downstairs looking shocked. "Did you know Jensen can read his entire "Good Night, Good Night Construction Site" book?" he asked me. I didn't, and quite frankly I thought your dad was exaggerating, until the next night when I asked you to read it to me. And to my surprise, even though we'd only been reading you the book for a week or two, you had memorized the entire thing (and it's not terribly short!). It was very impressive.

You may be all boy, but you are quite possibly the sweetest little boy in the world. You seem to know when I'm having a hard time or struggling with something, and during those times I feel like you do what you can to make the situation easier on me. You constantly tell me, "I love you"...and today I told Charlotte I loved her and you said, "I love Charlotte, too!". While you've become immune to many of her tantrums, if the is truly upset you will become very concerned and even tell me that you are sad because Charlotte is upset. And speaking of announcing your moods, you'll often tell me (sometimes out of the blue), "I'm happy!". We can be just driving along in the car and you'll announce your
happiness. Too sweet.

Why do you look like a 19-year-old frat boy in this picture?

When you were probably 2 1/2, you gave up napping. You started sleeping maybe every other day, then once or twice a week, and now you nap maybe once a month. I still put you in your bed each day for quiet time, but you usually take that quiet time and use it to take off your clothes, jump around in your bed, shriek loudly, mess with the thermostat, and various other activities. So your quiet time does not tend to last too long, and so I blame you for the lack of blogging over the past year!

You seem to have also developed a touch of the Terrible Three's. It's not bad--yet, anyways--but you have your whiney moments and lots of wanting Mommy to hold you. And you still have a temper...when you get frustrated, it usually involves tears and even the occasional thrown toy or knocked-down sister. I find myself yelling, "Be gentle!" on a regular basis.

Jensen, you are just about the most amazing little boy I could ever have dreamed up. You will just grab my face, pull it to yours, and give me big's the best thing in the world. I may have mentioned this in a previous post, but we got fortune cookies one night, and yours read, "Your happy heart brings joy and peace where there is none." I've kept it hanging on the refrigerator because I really couldn't have said it better myself...your joyful spirit, contagious laugh, and sweet nature are an absolute blessing to our family and everyone around you. I can't wait to see what this next year holds for you! Love you more than words could every say, my little dude.

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