Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Spring Break 2017

Woo-hoo, Spring Break! Since we went skiing just a few weeks before, we did not have much planned for Spring Break this year. 

We did lots of swimming in the neighbor's pool. (I kind of just wanted to include this picture because it cracks me up how skinny Jensen is these days. He all of a sudden shot up in height and he has not quite put enough meat on his bones to keep up!)

One day we went to their school playground. Doesn't sound too exciting, but they actually thought it was kinda cool to be there while school was out. I think they felt like they were doing something slightly naughty. :)

Our most exciting Spring Break happening came when Kim and Levi asked if we wanted to join them on a quick last-minute trip to College Station. The kids were dying to go somewhere so we packed them up and told them we were going on a Secret Mystery Trip. We gave them clues on the way, but it took until we were almost there for Charlotte to guess that we were going to "Mommy's college".

Our (well, my) favorite restaurant had closed down, but after a bit of detective work we found that it had reopened under a new name in a new location. The kids enjoyed it once we finally found it!

The next morning we met up with the Dillons and took the kids to see the Bonfire Memorial. I had never explained much about Bonfire to the kids, so we gave them a brief lesson. I think they are a bit too young to fully comprehend it, but they will someday.

We soon discovered that Spring Break is not the ideal time to visit a college. Everything was closed. We walked to the stadium but could not get inside...I really want to take them back in the fall for a game.

Teaching the kids about the Reveille memorial...

...and the Century Tree.

And no trip to BCS is complete with out lunch at the Dixie Chicken. And also iPads.

We walked around campus trying to find an open building and finally found the old journalism building was unlocked. Charlotte was so disappointed that we didn't get to see a big lecture hall, and she is dying to go back when everything is open.

So do we have future Aggies? Yes and no. Charlotte loved it and has decided she wants to go to "Mommy's college" instead of Colorado. Score one for me! Jensen was another story. He had fun looking around, but refused to even let us buy him an A&M shirt at the book store. The little stinker is still all about "Daddy's college". Perhaps a trip to Austin is in our future next Spring Break. :)

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