Monday, June 26, 2017

Kinder Kids No More

We have officially graduated from Kindergarten...twice! Since Charlotte and Jensen did kindergarten last year at their preschool as well as this year at their new public school, they are kindergarten graduates twice over. We really thought long and hard about whether to have the kids repeat kindergarten or go on to first grade, but we ultimately decided on repeating kindergarten. And I think we made the right decision. The only real negative has been that there were times that both kids were a bit bored because they were ahead academically and maturity-wise, but it wasn't too bad.

I was in such a rush to get somewhat caught up on the blog that I kind of glossed over the beginning of kindergarten. So I'll backtrack now and admit that it was rough. We made the decision to put the kids in separate classes for the first time, as well as to request that Jensen be separated from his next door neighbor and best friend, Finn. We had Meet the Teacher night a few days before school started, and it wasn't a great experience. Jensen watched Finn and his other neighbor (and friend) Owen walk into the same classroom, and Charlotte ended up kind of knowing one of my friend's daughters. It was also at that point that it finally sunk in to Jensen that Charlotte wouldn't be in his class. So I think he felt pretty alone. To add to it, his teacher was sick and not able to attend, so he'd be starting at a new school still not knowing who his teacher was and knowing no one in the class.

I was scared about the kids being in different classes, scared about starting a new school, and scared about Jensen not knowing his teacher or anyone in his class. So I had quite the meltdown when we got home from Meet the Teacher night. Brian had to text Cristi and have her call me to talk me down! Of course I can now see that I overreacted, but he's my baby...I just wanted to wrap him in a safe little cocoon and make everything perfect for him. School began, I still felt anxious about Jensen's situation, and unfortunately nothing really improved. His teacher had to have surgery and was out for a long time, leaving Jensen's class with a revolving door of substitutes. She also got married in late fall, resulting in more time away from the class. A couple people suggested I request for Jensen to be moved into Charlotte's class if that's what my gut was telling me was right. But although my brain was definitely telling me to move him, for some reason my gut was telling me to keep him where he was. Which is strange, because I was definitely not happy with where he was.

But lucky for us, Jensen is easygoing and took all the instability in stride. In January, his teacher's attendance got better and Jensen's reading level really skyrocketed. I do think his teacher wound up being a great fit for him and he had an awesome year once things settled down. He also made a lot of friends in his class, including a new boy who moved here in January...they became best buds, and who knows, maybe that's why my gut said to leave him where he was. All I really know is I am so proud of Jensen for the awesome year he had.

First Day of School (that unsure face kills me!)

Last Day of School!

Charlotte had a great year, too, but she had the benefit of a teacher who was a loving, soft-spoken grandmother AND Charlotte's best friend Isabella wound up transferring to her class a few weeks after school started. Even with those benefits I am still proud of the way she handled any and everything that was thrown at her this past year.

First Day of School

Last Day of School (wow someone sure changed!)

A few days before school let out, kindergarten had an awards/graduation ceremony. The kids were awarded for reading, participating in running club, and Jensen got a special award from his Computer Lab teacher.

Charlotte received a special Character Award from her teacher. I was super proud of her.

On the last day of school, the kids were excited and I was, too. So ready to not set the alarm every day and most of all to get to see more of Charlotte and Jensen. I'll be honest again here and say that it was tough to get used to them being in school M-F from 8-3:30. I do not take for granted the fact that I am able to be a stay at home mom, but there were times this past year when I felt like I really should get myself a j-o-b. But almost every time I'd start somewhat seriously thinking about it, Charlotte or Jensen would get sick or something would happen that would make me think, "How would we have handled this if I was working?" and although I know it would be do-able, it made me glad that we do not have the stress of figuring out how.

But we made it through the year and the last day of school came. The kids all wore their field day shirts and got them signed by their classmates.

We had a little party at our neighbor's house so the kids (and let's be honest, the moms) could celebrate the beginning of summer. We started this party last year but it has grown...into 18 kids! They swam and had pizza and cookie cake and were quite excited about no more school.

Starting in August we will have two first graders...but for now, we summer!

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