Wednesday, June 21, 2017

We are 7!

Seven years can that be? No longer babies, toddlers, preschoolers, even little kids...Charlotte and Jensen are full-on big kids now. Once again, with the year we had, my biggest prayer on April 22nd was just that all of us be healthy! And thank goodness we were.

The kids' birthday fell on a Saturday this year, so we had their party on their actual birthday, which they thought was fun. I booked their party months and months ago at a farm we had visited a couple times. There were a few complaints about the fact that they were having a joint party again, so I think this might have been our last year to get away with not doing two separate parties. We tried to make it as separate as possible with two different themes, two separate invitations, two cakes, etc.

We picked up Ellison as well as Jensen's new friend Luke on our way so each kiddo had one of their besties to ride made them even more excited!

A Moana cake for the birthday girl...who had gotten her face painted at a birthday party she had earlier in the day.

And, of course, Pokemon for the birthday boy.

They had a blast at their party, but it was a bit too crazy for me to get many pictures. I tried to enjoy it knowing it might be our last joint party for a while.

One of the fundraisers at school is birthday pay and send in a picture of your child and there is a wall where the posters hang during the month of their birthday. Both Charlotte and Jensen were quite excited about this and would not let me send in any existing pictures. We had to take new ones with props...

Pokemon of course for Jensen, and Charlotte wanted to include her BFF Bella, which I loved.

Their favorite gifts this year were Lego Friends stuff for Charlotte (there are Legos ALLLL over our house), and mining and crystal stuff for Jensen. He has become obsessed with rocks, crystals, etc. and now says he wants to be a miner when he grows up! Ha!

Charlotte Anne on her 7th birthday...

Charlotte, you grew SO much this year. Your bravery and independence amaze me constantly. You can be very blunt, but you are truly concerned with others' feelings and have such a kind heart. You are enthusiastic, passionate and dramatic, and pretty much the opposite of a wallflower. :) Every day you surprise us and leave us laughing with the things that come out of your mouth. You love to learn and sometimes get irritated that you aren't learning about more different topics in school. :) Currently you would like to grow up to be a teacher or an actress in the theater (but NOT on've always been a gal who knows exactly what she wants!). We can't wait to see what the future holds for our special little Bug.

Some of your favorite things are: musicals, jumping on your trampoline, Bella, Lego friends, playing (and giggling) with your friends, swimming, performing, sweets!, Grandma, your Aunt Biff, learning about other countries, and reading. You hate trying on clothes, getting your hair brushed, and you think getting your ears pierced is a crazy idea and refuse to do it.

Jensen Todd on his 7th birthday...

Jensen, you had such a great year. You started in a new school, in a class where you knew nobody. You didn't fret or complain, just went right in and made new friends. You are easygoing and likable and sweet. You are still a mama's boy and will hold my hand and let me love on even leave me little notes and presents sometimes. You are funny and SO smart, but it takes a while for people to figure that have so much beneath the surface and you do not let people in easily. You are very reserved but love to make your friends and family laugh. You are a night owl and often get out of bed several times before going to sleep to tell us something or show us something that just can't wait until morning. Currently you want to grow up to be a miner or army man. :) Mommy is hoping for a change in direction!

Some of your favorite things are: Pokemon, being outside, playing with your friends (you would have a friend over or go to a friend's house every single day if we let you), swimming, reading, playing rough with Daddy, your rock/crystal collection, fishing, animals and sitting in your favorite chair with your favorite blanket watching TV. I was sitting here trying to think of things you just downright hate and had such a hard time that I had to text your dad! He came up with Brussels sprouts. I finally came up with that you hate it when Charlotte interrupts you. But clearly there's not a ton that gets under your skin.

To sum it up...we have two of the most amazing kids. Every day we are thankful for Charlotte and Jensen and the kind, smart, and unique people they are becoming. Happy 7th birthday, Stinkers! We love you more and more every day.

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