Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Pre-eclampsia Watch: Day Two!

After spending most of yesterday and pretty much all of last night worried sick, I had another doctor's appointment this morning. We got some good news mixed with just a little bit of bad. The good news is that I got the second steroid shot for the babies' lungs (although I bled EVERYWHERE and it was really gross). Also, I didn't gain any weight overnight and my doctor said my face actually looks a little less swollen, so I have that going for me. My blood pressure did go up but just a tiny bit, so he wasn't too concerned about that. The only bad news is that I now have protein in my urine, which is another sign of pre-eclampsia that was not there yesterday. But it was just a trace amount, so while he was not happy about that, he was not overly concerned about it either. So no dramatic changes, which is good! I did much better at today's appointment because I was calmer and able to actually listen and ask questions, so I am feeling more positive than I was yesterday. Next up is another appointment and ultrasound on Friday, so I will just be hanging out in bed until then! Also, we really do appreciate all of your kind words, thoughts and prayers. It means a lot to have such a great support system.


  1. Jeeze Marcy, I really had no idea what you have been going through.

  2. Hi Marcie, the first comment was a test run. Dana was here showing me how to get it to stick.
    Annette just left going to see you. We all told her to say hello. I am so glad you are able to keep the babies this long. You are special and "we"[your library moms] will make sure the babies know just how special you are......Have a good day.... Geneva
