Monday, March 29, 2010

Another Quick Update

One more appointment down, and one more good update to share! Both babies looked great on the ultrasound. (Side note: Twin B, our boy, appears to have a lot of hair! This is funny because neither Brian nor I is very hairy but we have been joking this whole time that our boy baby is going to end up having tons of hair like his Uncle Todd, and now it seems like this might actually happen!) My blood pressure has stayed about the same, and I actually lost 4 pounds this weekend despite the fact that all I did was lie around and have people bring me food. I guess all the weight I gained recently really was just fluid retention and not due to mass quantities of dessert. Anyways, my doctor is very pleased and is actually becoming cautiously optimistic (although he always reminds me that things can change overnight) that we can make it to 36 weeks...I really hope so too. For now, I'm back home and back in bed!


  1. I'm so thrilled to see all of the good news! Keep up the good work girlie! :-)

  2. Marcy I just wanted to tell you that I am thinking about you and am SO proud of you for making it this far! Can't wait to see those little cutie pies!

  3. Great news!! I am thinking about you guys!! Hang in there....

  4. This is all sounding so much better, you had me worried for a bit. I have zero experience with the "twin stuff"
