Thursday, July 29, 2010

Don't Be Jealous...

...but my babies are totally on the road to becoming rich and famous. Why? Because each one already resembles a celebrity! Let's start with Charlotte:

One day Brian was holding little Charlie and she was (of course) smiling up at him.

Brian: "Do you know who she looks like when she smiles?"
Me: "No...who?"

(It's always fun to play who-does-the-baby-look-like. The answer is usually Mom, Dad, an aunt or uncle, or even a grandparent. But not this time.)

Brian: "Tobey Maguire!"

Yes, he was serious. Tobey Maguire, the male actor from Spider-Man. I was slightly appalled at first, but the more I looked at little Charlotte, the more I could actually see what he was talking about. Or maybe parenthood is just making us crazy...who knows?


Now, on to Jensen. I previously mentioned how he has become a victim of male-pattern baldness and has lost the hair on top of his head (although the hair on the sides of his head is still quite long). This has not gone unnoticed by my ever-so-tactful family. My brother came over yesterday and the first thing he said was, "What happened to his hair?!?" And my dad has decided that, with his new hairdo, Jensen also resembles a (lesser-known) actor: Kevin from The Office.

Little man...

A not-so-little man!
Poor little guy! I of course still think that my little man is the most handsome boy in the world, comb-over or not!

So there you have it...Charlotte and Jensen will surely be famous in no time! Gotta go... I only have a little bit of their nap time left to search the Internet for talent agents!


  1. You crack me up!!! Such a funny post. I do see a little bit of Spidey's smile in Charlotte, but I can't say Jensen resembles Kevin (even with the comb-over). They are adorable and I'm so glad I finally got to hold both of them! Love ya!

  2. Ok..that may be one of your funnier posts. If there is a celebrity around there, its probably their mother, the author. I think you can relax..they will both grow out of those characters.
