Tuesday, July 20, 2010


I recently realized something that I should have realized a long time ago...I'm chubby. That's right, I am a chunk. And it ain't pretty. Thunder thighs on Jensen? Adorable! Thunder thighs on mom? Not so much. Double chin on Charlotte? So cute! Double chin on mom? Kinda gross. I knew I had some (okay, a lot of) baby weight to lose, but I guess I hadn't realized what I looked like until just recently. I was looking at pictures of a friend's wedding and I saw a chubby girl in the background...but this wasn't just a random chub, it was me! I didn't even recognize myself at first. Scary. And then there was my recent shopping excursion to Target. The good news? I can wear non-maternity shorts! The bad news? They are two sizes bigger than I used to wear.

When I was pregnant, it was okay to be big...but pregnancy and post-partum are two different worlds altogether. In the pregnancy world, I used stretch mark prevention cream and hoped it would work. In the post-partum world, I use stretch mark treatment cream and really hope it will work. In the pregnancy world, Brian thought it was cute when I'd out-eat him. In the post-partum world, I suspect he finds it a bit disturbing. And as much as I despised breastfeeding, it was quite a clever excuse to keep eating like a piglet ("But I need to eat this giant cheeseburger so that I'll make enough milk for the babies!").

So now I am fresh out of excuses. The party's over. Weight Watchers, here I come!

P.S. Thanks to everyone who has commented, called me, texted me, etc. to say I don't suck at being a mom because I am through breastfeeding. It really does help to alleviate the guilt! :)


  1. Marcy Shelton- you look WONDERFUL for just having 2 babies. Give yourself a little break- they are only 2 months old. It took 9 months to gain the weight- it will come off!!

  2. first of all you are crazy to even write this yet because you just had TWINS like a second ago. but secondly WW helped me lose the weight after avery so quickly- so good luck
