Sunday, July 25, 2010

Three Months!

A month of "firsts":

Charlotte and Jensen went for their first walk!
And probably our last 'til's too hot!

Mom's view. And as you can see, Bailey was not left out of the fun!

Charlotte and Jensen celebrated their first 4th of July and attended their first party!
They had so much fun hanging out with Uncle Dot and Aunt Biff, Jonathan, Tiffany, Hilari, Nick, Andy, Ryan, Lindsay, Tommy and of course Guster the lab!

We made our first trip out to Lake Granbury so C and J could meet their cousins!
Jensen enjoyed chillin' with cousin Laird

Jensen wore his first pair of shoes!
Nice kicks, Buddy!

Charlotte and Jensen made their first friend!
Baby Ben came over for a visit! He is about 8 weeks older than C and J. Ben and Jensen were both wearing red baseball-themed onesies! 

Charlotte and Jensen made their first of many trips to the library!
We had so much fun meeting Mommy's old co-workers! C and J are going to be frequent library visitors...Miss Annette already gave them their own personalized library bags!

More "firsts" this month included their first shots (yuck!), Miss Charlotte's first x-ray, and our first time taking both babies out to a restaurant (Cheesecake's loud in there so my mom, Tammy and I took Charlotte and Jensen for lunch one day--they did great!).

Charlotte Anne at Three Months:
11 lbs, 6.5 oz

Charlotte--our funny, funny girl. She continues to crack us up with her facial expressions and personality. We've learned that little Charlie-Bug does not like surprises--if something startles her, watch out! The screaming and crying will ensue! She is a sensitive girl for sure. She loves playing in her play yard and kicks up a storm to the music that one of her little toys plays...actually, she kicks when she's excited--it's so funny. Charlotte enjoys being read to and opens her eyes really big to look at the pictures in her books. She has also turned into a real thinker...she studies everything around her and really concentrates hard on whatever she finds interesting. For example:

"What's that in Mom's hand?"

 "It looks familiar..."

"My  toy! I love my toy!"
Charlotte has earned herself the nicknames Charlie, Charlie-Bug, Peanut Pie, and Brian sometimes calls her "Fists of Fury" because she draws her fists up and gets an intense, mad look on her face. This isn't quite as mad a face as she makes sometimes, but it's close:

Plotting world domination!
And one thing has stayed the same...Charlotte saves her biggest smiles for her dad:

Yep...Dad was holding the camera when this one was taken!

 I just like this pic...

Jensen Todd at Three Months:
13 lbs

Jensen--I cannot get enough of this little boy! His chubby cheeks get kisses all day long. I have to restrain myself from squeeeeeezing him too hard because he is so darn squeezable! Especially his chubby little feet. He smiles so big it's like he is going to turn himself inside out--he loves to smile and flirt and he has recently shown us the beginnings of a little laugh. It's like a "ha....ha....ha" sound that he can't quite figure out how to string together into a continuous funny! Jensen found his voice last month, but he has recently found out just how loud he can be. He's such a talker! He will be playing in his play yard and just start yelling (not mad yelling, just yelling). When did he become the vocal one? We didn't see that coming! And remember how he had so much hair? He has now unfortunately become another victim of male-pattern baldness and has quite the comb-over going on. Poor little guy.

"Um, I seem to be falling over..."

"Again, falling over!"

J loves to hang with Dad!

The onesie says it all!

Here are a few pics of Charlotte and Jensen together:

Three months. A quarter of a year. It has been nothing short of an adventure. I have been peed on, pooped on, and thrown up on. I have learned what it truly means to put someone else's needs ahead of your own. I have never laughed more, cried more, worried more, learned more, and loved more. Charlotte and Jensen--thank you for the most amazing three months!


  1. Ahh- I love this post! They are getting so big and just so adorable! They seem so happy!!

  2. What an awesome post Marcy! My favorite parts where the 3 pics of Charlotte recognizing her toy and the last paragraph, which was so touching. Happy 3 month birthday Charlotte and Jensen!

  3. So precious!! I have to see them again....I can't believe they are 3 months. Give them both a kiss for me!!!
