Tuesday, November 2, 2010


"Halloween is the one night a year when girls can dress like a total slut and no other girls can say anything about it." 
(This quote from the movie Mean Girls pretty much sums up my feelings about Halloween!)

Confession: I am a Halloween bah-humbug. I don't really get into dressing up. I don't really get into decorating the house (okay, that might be due to the fact that Christmas decorating is looming right around the corner). I don't really get into handing out candy (does it seem like kids are trick-or-treating well into their teens these days or what? And half of them don't even dress up! Lame.). Also, I am pretty much a weenie...I don't like being scared (I recently saw the preview for that stupid "Paranormal Activity 2" movie--not the actual movie, just the preview--and now I am all freaked out when I look at the baby monitor).

But Halloween's not all bad (after all, I do love me some candy!) and we spent the day cracking ourselves up at our hapless kiddos. Poor Charlotte and Jensen--not even old enough to enjoy the candy, yet still forced to act as Mom's little toy dolls and get dressed up in all kinds of ridiculous garb. And, remember all the hand-me-downs? Yep, they included some Halloween stuff...so, rather than just sporting one costume apiece, Charlotte and Jensen were able (and by "able" I of course mean "forced") to wear a variety of Halloween apparel! 

First...my lil' Charlie and her pumpkin butt!

Next up...Mr. Jensen's scary jammies!

Awww...they're so spooky that he's even scaring himself!

Then, it was time to don their little Halloween t-shirts (and also time for the fun and excitement of trying to get a decent photograph of two infants)!

Charlotte's shirt says, "Daddy's under my spell"...oh, so true!

Jensen falls over onto Charlotte. Charlotte commences crying. Jensen commences eating my camera strap.

It appears as though Jensen is once again under the spell of Charlotte's socks!

I raided the hand-me-down bin to find this next little gem. It has been in the family for five Halloweens! This year, it was Jensen's turn to monkey around!

Yes, all this fun and we still haven't even gotten to Charlotte and Jensen's "real" costumes yet! Toward the end of the day, we went to Grandma and Grandpa's house to have some of Uncle Dot's super nachos. We brought the kiddos' costumes over there and dressed them up. Perhaps it was not the brightest idea to save the "real" costumes for last...because, as you can see, by this time Jensen was D-O-N-E with Halloween. He'd been a good sport all day, but enough is enough!

Presenting...Princess Leia and Yoda!

Poor Charlie was sound asleep when we woke her up and put her in a costume. After an initial meltdown, she recovered long enough for pictures!

She even kept her cool when her headpiece got all discombobulated and she wound up looking like she was sporting a pile of dog poo on her little head.

Channeling his inner Yoda.

I had kept their costumes a secret from Uncle Dot until Halloween because I knew he would love them...and he did. He couldn't stop laughing at lil' Yoda.

Next...a gallery of failed Halloween pictures. First, family picture fail!

 Perhaps I should have gotten Jensen some pants to wear under his costume? Oh well, you can't beat those chubby legs!

Next...Charlotte's hair fail! It was a tad too big for her.




It was a lot of excitement for one day for little Charlotte and Jensen. They were passed out asleep before 7:00! Next year will be even more exciting as we attempt trick-or-treating for the first time. Until then, Happy Halloween everyone!

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