Monday, November 1, 2010

Let's Go Rangers!

Brian and I grew up as Rangers fans. My favorite player was Jim Sundberg, who incidentally happened to live within bike-riding distance from my house. I would often cruise by on my Huffy in hopes of catching a glimpse of the catcher for my favorite team. Brian always used to take friends to a Rangers game for his birthday, and one year he was lucky enough to be in the stands when Nolan Ryan pitched his 7th no-hitter!

When Charlotte and Jensen were born, everything we used to watch on television kind of fell by the wayside. The DVR filled up, and we never did catch up on all the shows we used to watch faithfully. It is just too big of a challenge to deal with two newborns and try to pay attention to anything that's going on on television, even with the most exciting of shows. (For example, we've been "24" fanatics since the beginning...but what happened on the series finale? Seeing as how the babies were, like, a week old when it aired, I have absolutely no idea how the show ended. Sorry, Kiefer.)

But it's relatively easy (even in a semi-comatose state) to pay attention to a baseball game. They're fairly slow-moving, so you can drift in and out and still have some idea of what's going on. So we started watching every single Rangers game (or at least the game would be on in the background while we tended to babies). It got to where we had no idea what to do with ourselves if the Rangers had the night off. We joked that the babies would probably skip right over words like "mama" and "dada" and just start reciting the Rangers' starting lineup.

And soon, we found that the Rangers games were becoming just as exciting as any of those t.v. shows we used to watch. They kept winning and winning, and before we knew it, they were in the playoffs...then beating the Yankees to become the American League champs!

This is a pic that was taken at my good friend Lisa's 30th birthday party, which happened to fall on the last night of the series with the Yankees. You have to look reaaaallly closely, but you can spot  a single ponytail (mine) amongst all those guys watching the game. The rest of the girls were off forming a conga line or something equally girly and I was glued to the Rangers. (Don't worry, I did join them onstage after the game for a rousing rendition of "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun".)

Brian and I were recently fortunate enough to be able to attend the Rangers' first World Series home game. We had so much fun cheering on the team that has brought us so much entertainment in the past six months!

There was some major excitement in the air!

Love me some Kelly Clarkson!

The fly-over.

Hello, Win Column!

Brian made fun of me for wearing my Canada fleece. But I had my Rangers shirt on underneath!

Brian's parents got Charlotte and Jensen their own Rangers apparel so they would not be left out of the fun. Although they went to bed right as the game was beginning, they sported their t-shirts proudly today.

"Go Rangers!"

Why, Blogger? Why must some of my pics randomly get uploaded sideways?

Hanging outside watching the dogs swim.

It can get chilly in the post-season!

And here's another reason why this season is special to us: During one of the games, when the commentators were discussing how well the Rangers were doing this season, one of them remarked that there was one certain day when the Rangers seemed to turn their season around: April 22. Remember what else happened that day? Yep, Charlotte and Jensen were born! I like to think that they're the Texas Rangers' Good Luck Charms!

As I write this, game 5 is underway and it's not looking good for the home team. There's still time to pull off a victory, but even if tonight's game is not one for the win column, I'm going to look at it this way: It's November. And the Rangers are playing! I'd call that a success. Thanks, Rangers, for an awesome season...antlers up!

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