Friday, November 26, 2010

We Heart New York(ers)

Thanksgiving weekend brought a few very special visitors to our house all the way from NYC...Robin, Jake and baby Drew! Robin flew home to Texas from New York with 19-month-old Jake and eight-week-old Drew and no adult helpers...brave girl, but her kiddos did great. They came to visit us on Tuesday and Charlotte and Jensen had a great time with their new friends...Jensen seemed to love having another boy around to play with, and Charlotte seemed to have a bit of a crush on Jake. But, I mean, can you blame her??

Yes, he knows he's hot stuff.

All four kiddos together (can you spot baby Drew down there in the play yard?)

This kind of sums up the day...Jensen thrilled to be playing rough with another boy (see him grabbing Jake's face?) and Charlotte thrilled to be watching from a safe distance. And also thrilled that Jensen was grabbing someone's face besides hers.

"Jake, you are hilarious!"

Charlotte trying to act all shy and demure as Jake kissed her good-bye.

It was so much fun, and slightly crazy as well (I found a raisin in the master bathroom later that day!). The funny thing is, 19 months ago Robin and I had zero kids between us. Now, just a short time later, we have four. Life sure changes quickly sometimes, doesn't it?

1 comment:

  1. Great pics!! Jake had a great time getting to be the big kid. By the way....I find raisins in the strangest places all the time:)
