Monday, October 17, 2011

It Took Almost 18 Months, But It Finally Happened!

Charlotte and Jensen's first stomach virus! (You thought it was going to be something positive, didn't you?'re halfway right. It was positively yucky!) I have been seriously dreading this event...I do not do well with stomach issues. Anyways, I started to hash out all the gory details of the past week, but stopped because a) nobody wants to read that, and b) I can't remember all the gory details. I'm too tired. Let's just say Charlotte got sick, then Jensen got sick, then Brian got sick, then my mom got sick. But if you want to really go back to the beginning, Uncle Dot got sick, making him (in his words) "like the monkey from Outbreak". For the entire past week, Charlotte and Jensen have alternated between being sick, acting completely fine, being completely lethargic, getting sick again, and back and forth and back and forth. Our current state, after a full week of sickness, is that Charlotte is acting completely fine and Jensen is pretty lethargic. This virus seems to have really taken a lot out of the poor guy.

Having two sick children at one time is emotionally and physically draining. I am so ready for them to be back to their happy little selves. But as yucky as this past week has been, I can definitely see the silver lining...and there's actually quite a bit of it:

  • God answered the many prayers I sent up asking for me to please, please not get sick until my babies felt better. In fact, He might have even given me more than I asked for and kept me from getting sick at all (although, as several people have helpfully reminded me, I'm not out of the woods yet).
  • I got to spend a night sleeping on the floor of my little man's room with him. I made us up a pallet and we slept together during his sickest night...when that little boy is sleeping, I swear he looks like an angel. 
  • I have a 90-minute massage scheduled for later this week. When I made the appointment, I felt guilty scheduling 90 minutes instead of 60; now, I feel like I've earned every one of those 90 minutes!
  • I was reminded of a time when I was little and sick...I remember asking my mom if it she thought it was really gross when I threw up. She answered that when their babies are sick, moms are too busy feeling bad for them to be grossed-out. She's been proven right yet again.
  • Every single time my kids are sick, I am so thankful that they aren't sicker. They are usually happy and healthy, and for that I am so grateful.
  • Lots of cuddle time with both Charlotte and Jensen...they rarely take naps on me anymore, but there was lots of sleeping on Mommy last week.
Finally, here's a picture of Mr. Jensen. This was mid-morning and he hadn't gotten out of his pajamas yet, and he fell asleep while watching some TV.

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