Wednesday, October 5, 2011

School Picture Day Fun

Today was Charlotte and Jensen's first-ever school picture day. Fortunately, I actually planned ahead and shopped for outfits for my stinkers when I was in San Antonio last weekend for my annual girls' trip. Unfortunately, Kim and I had a little mix-up with our Gap bags and I made my way home with a bag full of maternity clothes while Kim found herself with Charlotte and Jensen's picture-day ensembles. So yesterday I headed back up to Baby Gap and found some new outfits...very cute, if I do say so myself.

This morning was a bit crazy with the task of getting two toddlers picture-ready added to our usual morning chaos. Throw in a skinned knee (Charlotte) some extra-crazy hair (Jensen) and a million stupid buttons (courtesy of Baby Gap...why do they insist on using real buttons on their clothes? I much prefer the fake buttons that snap that you find on most baby clothes) and we were good to go. Seriously, I don't understand how some people dress their kids to the nines every day. Charlotte and Jensen weren't even really what I'd consider "dressed up" today, but it was still much more effort than our usual shorts and t-shirt routine.

Anyways, I dropped them off at school (where Charlotte once again did tears!) and went about my day. When it was time to pick my stinkers up, I approached their classroom ready to hear about how the picture-taking went. Instead, I was immediately asked by their worried-looking teacher to sign an "incident report." Now, maybe I don't have enough faith in my kiddos, but my first thought was, "Oh crap. What did they do?" It turns out, nothing. Charlotte fell on the playground and scraped her face. Phew...Charlotte falling down? That I can handle. I eventually got the scoop on the school pictures, and it doesn't sound like either of my kiddos was really into smiling pretty for the camera. So I decided to get some pics of my own when we got home...

So despite the fact that the ruffles on the dress look a bit disheveled, keep in mind that this was after a full day of playing (and napping. And falling on the playground.). I would like for it to be known that I actually ironed those ruffles the night before. I may or may not have had to ask my husband where one might find our iron.

So that was our picture day. I tried to take a photo of Charlotte's scratched-up face, but it really isn't that bad. She's a tough one, my little Bug!


  1. Oh I love the flower in Charlotte's hair. Makes her look so grown up. We still want to see copies of the ones from school, when you get them.

  2. Oh no! I can't believe your bags got swapped! At least they still got super cute outfits out of it.
