Monday, October 24, 2011


Yesterday Brian and I returned home from an awesome and much-needed trip to Vegas. It's an annual work trip for Brian (the International Fastener doesn't that sound fun??) and lucky for me, the wives always get to tag along. While Brian attended the convention, his mom, sister Kari and I did some serious relaxing, shopping, and spa-ing. We stayed at the Wynn this year for the first time and I loved it. Highly recommend!

Brian and I were scheduled to head home on Friday, but we decided to extend our trip by a night so that we could see...

Garth Brooks! Y'all...this concert was amazing. It was a small-ish venue, Garth Brooks, and a guitar. That's it. He covered songs from the 60s and 70s that he had loved growing up, then he sang some favorites of his own music.

I know this is awful but you weren't supposed to take pics and I was scared to try to get a better one!
He was even joined onstage by Trisha Yearwood for a few songs and her voice is beautiful. They did a duet of "In Another's Eyes" and oh my gosh. I seriously had chill bumps. If you ever get the chance, go see this show! Even if you don't think you're a Garth Brooks fan (Brian isn't) you will LOVE it (Brian did).

Backing up to before the concert on Friday, Kari and I decided to do something just for fun...we went and got our hair fixed at the hotel's salon. I've never gotten my hair done except for weddings and proms, and I am TERRIBLE at fixing my own I was excited to have a pro give me a fun hairstyle for the evening. Here's a pic of the result:
I loved it! I have the world's straightest hair, so it was really fun to have some curls. I am now seriously considering getting some kind of body wave or something. Yes, I am serious. And yes, I know it's not 1988. My hair just won't hold any curl and I think it might be a fun change for awhile. And surely the techniques have changed and I won't end up looking like the seventh member of this crew...

Uh, I might have just spent too much time googling perm pictures and changed my mind.
Anyways, we returned home yesterday to a couple of displeased children. After being gone, I always come home and expect Charlotte and Jensen to be super-excited to see me...and that is NEVER the case. They just always kind of give me blank looks and then go about their business. They were in awful moods...fighting with each other and throwing some impressive tantrums. I swear, they were punishing us for leaving. Either that, or they figured out that we lost their college funds at the slots! Ha!


  1. Okay I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your hair Marcy! It looks so good. You have inspired me to do something like that- although not any time soon obviously.

    Nick and I love the Wynn too, we've stayed there the last two years- it is awesome. We haven't seen Garth, but it sounds great! That would be really fun to go back and do.

    And last- thanks for your sweet blog comment. I had forgotten you were on bed rest (duh!) and it was really encouraging what you wrote. You were blogging back then, weren't you? I'll have to go back and read your old posts from that time.

  2. So you are saying there is something bad about that last group picture you posted? ARE YOU? I resent that comment very much and you know why.
    why are you covering up your face in that self portrait..I would have enjoyed the whole look. From what I can see it looks really great.

  3. Last time I checked, you did not have sky-high 80s bangs!

  4. Don't I remember you having a perm back in elementary school? I was only brave enough to try permed bangs... which were a colossal failure. You might also try the triple-barrel curling iron - I use it and my stick-straight hair stays curly all day with it.
