Monday, March 26, 2012

Five Things

Have you seen blogs that do five random thoughts? I have lots of random thoughts to share today so I thought I'd give it a try.

1) The stinkers' second birthday is less than a month away. Despite saying last year that I would never have a party at our house again, I had grand visions of a Sesame Street-themed party at home. I mean, really cute ideas...however, yesterday I had a moment of panic/clarity/whatever and threw in the towel on the whole party-at-home. Pump It Up, here we come.

2) Jensen got his sixth haircut on Thursday. That kiddo has some great hair. As he happily ate his sucker and watched the Backyardigans while my hairdresser did her thing, Charlotte clung to Grandma and yelled, "NO!" when we asked if she would like to get her hair cut, too.

3) I had an awesome girls' night out last Friday with these girls:

We closed down the bar, ate late-night Whataburger, and stayed up 'til almost four a.m. The last time I was awake at four a.m. not due to a baby was...well, a looooong time ago!

4) Friday was school picture day. While one twin screamed because she didn't want to wear her leopard-print shoes, the other twin screamed because he did in fact want to wear them. Yes, those are the correct pronouns.

5) I am over-committed. Between being the Meals Coordinator for my multiples group, serving on the board of directors for the rescue group, serving as C&J's room mom, volunteering with the early childhood PTA, and volunteering for our HOA (which is a laughably small job but whenever something needs to be done it ALWAYS falls  when I have a million other things to do), I am all volunteered-out. Do any other stay-at-home moms feel the need to commit to a million different things? Sadly I think part of it is an attempt to avoid the stigma of being "just" a stay-at-home mom. But now I feel like I'm running in a million different directions and something's gotta give. Volunteering with the rescue group is non-negotiable; it's a big part of what makes me me. And volunteering with the stinkers' school is also non-negotiable because I feel that being present at their school is so important. As far as everything else goes...I think it's about time to start prioritizing.

Whew...that felt good! :)

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