Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Nakey Bug

Charlotte is in the throes of an anti-diaper, pro-naked phase. (Or at least I'm hoping it's a phase and she isn't going to wind up living in a nudist colony someday.) The kiddos have always enjoyed running around naked before bathtime and Brian and I have always laughed and called them "Nakey Bug" and "Nakey Dude" as they ran around clothes-free. So for a few weeks now, Charlotte has regularly approached me saying, "Nakey Bug! Diaper OFF!" (So demanding!). Usually I give in, because honestly what's cuter than a little naked hiney running through the house? And once Charlotte is naked she runs through the house shouting, "NAKEY BUG!" before coming to me with another demand: "Jensen Todd's diaper off too! Nakey dude!" Apparently no one likes to party naked alone.

So we regularly have two naked toddlers running amok in our house...which, in case you were wondering, has led to one or two accidents (see: post titled "A Brief Summary of Our Day"). But for the most part the kids are both getting good about coming and telling me when they want a diaper back on...and Jensen has even gone tee-tee on the potty once, which was such an exciting event, I barely refrained from posting it on facebook.

Naked Stair-Climbing
Nakey Dude helping Nakey Bug down the stairs. Censored using my mad photo-editing skills.