Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A Trip to Grandpa's Office

We have yet to take the kiddos to a pediatric dentist. My dad very subtly (ha!) suggested that, given Charlotte's apprehension of new things, we very slowly begin easing her into the dentist experience by bringing her up to his office. We decided that first we'd just get her through the door, then we'd let her sit on my lap on the chair, then sit by herself, etc. etc. So last Thursday (a day my dad doesn't see patients) my mom and I took C&J up to Grandpa's office to implement phase one.

In true Charlotte form, she pretty much refused to even go in the treatment rooms. She instead found a toy in the waiting room and made herself comfortable playing. In true Jensen form, Jensen did this:

Wild man on the loose!

Then Charlotte decided to brave the unfamiliar halls and join in on the fun:

In case you're wondering, they were running up and down the hallway and Grandpa was hiding and spraying them with air and/or water when they ran by. Don't you wish you had this much fun at the dentist??

Then, in true Grandpa form, he and Jensen had a bit of fun with the dental instruments:

Jensen sat in the chair and rode up and down with me for a bit but Charlotte was having none of it. Looks like we have a ways to go with our little Bug!


  1. My two are headed to the dentist today and I am pretty sure they won't have near as much fun as Jensen appears to be having:)

  2. Me and Addy have dentist appointments today as well! Must be a good week for it! I thought about bringing Ben to do this exact thing....we'll see if that happens and if so, what his reaction is!

  3. Hope you get things under control before her teeth rot the squirting one.
