Monday, May 21, 2012

Martha Moments

A few weeks ago, I got the idea in my head that I should teach the stinkers about gardening. (If you know me, you are probably laughing right about now, because whatever the opposite of a green thumb is, that's what I have.) I just had this sweet little picture in my head of two adorable kiddos diligently planting and watering flowers while learning life lessons about responsibility. I asked if they would like to go to the store to pick out some plants to bring home, plant, and water. They thought this sounded like a grand idea (although I really don't know that they understood what I was saying, but they did say they wanted to go to the store), so the three of us headed to Home Depot to get some plants, planters and potting mix.

Right about the time we entered the little outdoor garden area of Home Depot, Charlotte started requesting to "go in the store!". I explained that we were in the store and we needed to pick out our plants. She became angry and kept insisting that we go in the store. I was confused about why she would want to go into Home Depot until she starting saying, "Go in the store! Get a snack! Pumpkin bread snack!". And then it all made sense: Pretty much every time I take the kids to the store, we go to Target. And when we go to Target, we stop at the little Starbucks where the kids each get a piece of pumpkin bread to eat while Mommy shops. At that point I knew I had better hurry up at get the plants and get out of there before we made any more of a we grabbed some herbs and checked out, Charlotte screaming for pumpkin bread and "Taaaarrrrrget!" all the while. (No I'm not kidding. My daughter screams for Target. I am so proud.) Even when we made it to the car, the kids were both very upset that we had no pumpkin bread, so I asked if they wanted to go to Target and was met with a resounding "Yes!". So to Target we went, where the happy children got their pumpkin bread and I got my planters.

We came home and got to work planting. (Translation: I planted the herbs. Charlotte and Jensen threw potting soil at each other.)

She's smiling because she knew I didn't have it in me to wash the potting soil off her face.

A few nights later, Cristi and I went to dinner and I was telling her this story and how my vision of having a Martha Stewart-like moment with my children was shattered by the reality of having two 2-year-olds. We laughed about how, when you have kids, things seldom go the way you pictured in your head...but it's pretty fun nonetheless. And the other night, I made Brian and I a salad of mozzarella cheese, tomatoes, and fresh basil from the yard...a very Martha moment if I do say so myself!

1 comment:

  1. We have our first garden this year, and it feels like the coolest science fair project ever. Of course, I just have 10 cherry tomatoes to show for it so far, but hopefully two weeks from now I'm going to be swimming in veggies. Maybe. Hopefully.

    Tell Charlotte I, too, looked a lot like that after doing all that yardwork/planting.
