Thursday, May 24, 2012

A Tour of My Lovely Home!

I glanced around the house this morning around 9 a.m. and for some reason thought I should document the mess. I swear the house was clean picked up the night before, but my kiddos are apparently masters of destruction.

First, the foyer...and Troublemaker A:

To be completely fair to Charlotte, she was picking up the balls that Jensen dumped out. She picks them up while singing, "Clean up, clean up!" and Jensen likes to wait until she has the bin about 1/3 full before coming over and dumping it out again.

Next, we make our way to the living room:

Okay if I'm being honest, the living room often looks much worse. A couple school buses, a few toy cars and Chicco the rocking horse? Not too shabby. Until, that is, you notice Troublemaker B:

His toys of choice? A yard stick (I really don't even know where he found that) and a yellow rubber light-up ring from Hotel ZaZa (thanks, Kim!).

Moving onto the heart of the home, the kitchen:

(They're colored popsicle sticks.)

And finally the master bath:

Sesame Street characters, or, as Charlotte calls them, her "people". (Note the two peering into the shower.)
They did all this (and probably more) in less than two hours (with a 30 minute break for breakfast). I have said it before and I'll say it again: It is astounding how fast two toddlers can turn the house into a disaster area. This is one of those things that I'll miss someday, right?!?


  1. I'll be honest. This whole post didn't impress me much--my house generally looks the same. That is, until the peeping Seasame Streeters. :)
