Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Hair Scares

Two children and two...let's just say interesting...haircuts! First, let's talk Charlotte: her hair had been getting a bit long and scraggly, but we still hadn't taken her for her first haircut. I kept saying that I should go get it cut, but I hadn't really thought too seriously about it. So you can imagine my surprise when Jensen and I walked into my mom's house to pick up Charlotte after Singleton Day and found her sitting in her highchair eating a popsicle, my mom wielding a pair of scissors, and locks of Charlie's blonde hair on the kitchen floor.

On second thought, maybe "surprise" doesn't quite cover it. Let's just say that my mom and I have a difference of opinion on whether this haircut should've taken place and leave it at that! However...the one thing we agree on is that little Bug looks pretty cute with her shorter locks.

Charlotte's hair "before":

And her little bob "after":

Since my mom is not a professional hairdresser, there were a few uneven spots. I (no hairdresser myself) attempted to correct said uneven spots, which resulted in her hair getting shorter than originally intended. However, I must say that even though it is obviously not a professional style, my Bug looks pretty cute with her little bob and I think we'll probably keep it around this length.

And then there's Jensen. School starts tomorrow (!) and we decided Mr. Dude might have a bit more fun if he could actually see what's going on around him. Since I wasn't on-the-ball enough to make him an appointment with my hairdresser, Brian and I took him to a local walk-in place yesterday. I hung out in the waiting area with Charlotte while Brian watched Jensen's hair get trimmed cut mutilated.

And when we were done, my little guy had his very own mullet and I had my very own baby Joe Dirt!

What it looks like first thing in the morning. Might need to set the alarm a bit earlier to get ready for school!

So...there you have it. There's no "best hair" award in preschool, right??

1 comment:

  1. I am still laughing about this. Love the Joe Dirt name too- that is so funny. ANNNNDDD I LOVE Miss Charlotte's hair. Very cute!!
