Thursday, October 8, 2009

Hair, There & Everywhere!

Here's a newsflash for you: golden retrievers shed. A lot. I did a transport today for a dog named Ellie Mae whose owner gave her up because she sheds. Had this woman done even the tiniest bit of research before getting the dog, she would have known that a golden is probably not the right dog for her, but whatever. Her loss and someone else's gain, because little Ellie Mae is too cute and such a sweetheart.

Yes, goldens do shed but in my opinion they are so worth it. My three secret weapons against shedding are my Furminator dog brush, my beloved Dyson Animal vacuum, and the ability to come to terms with the fact that I will always have tumbleweeds of dog hair blowing through my house. If you have a dog who sheds, the Furminator is well worth the money. Here is an example of what the Furminator can do:

This is all hair that we got from brushing Brax for about 15 minutes. We always try to pick up all the hair after brushing the dogs, but I have a feeling that there are some birds in our neighborhood with nice, cozy, furry nests!

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