Thursday, February 25, 2010

Good News, Bad News

Good News: Our new carpet is here and installed!!! It is soft, cushy, a lovely neutral color, and best of all, free of any and all foster dog-inflicted stains!

Bad News: Since the carpet was installed yesterday, we were supposed to put the nursery together last night...except we hit a small snag when we tried to put the crib mattresses into the cribs. They didn't in, they were WAY too big. You couldn't even squish them down in there. I was under the impression that standard mattress + standard crib = perfect fit. Apparently not. It was traumatic. I cried. (I know, I have been doing that a lot lately.) Brian tried to placate me by leaving the house during the tears and returning with an ice cream sundae. That helped a bit. But more good news: we exchanged the mattresses today for ones that fit into the cribs. So tonight, work on the nursery will be resumed!

Bad News: I failed my one hour glucose test and had to take the three hour test on Tuesday. I had to drink the crap at 8:30 and give blood at 8:30, 9:30, 10:30, and 11:30. The drink was disgusting and made me feel so sick. I seriously sat there for three hours trying not to throw up (fortunately, I was successful). I should find out tomorrow if I passed. If I didn't, well...I don't even want to think about the next few months with no sweets.

Good News: In between all the fun of being stuck with needles and trying not to barf, I got an ultrasound! It was so fun to see the babies again. They are both growing right on track and measuring right around the 50th percentile. They are both currently breech, with their heads up by my ribs (which would explain the rib pain/being kicked in the bladder). And they appear to still be a boy and a girl, so that was nice to confirm!

Good News: I did something last week that was kind of silly...although if you know me, you won't be at all surprised. Our nursery doesn't have a theme, but I can't handle the thought of having a nursery that contains nothing dog-related. So I had my friend Dana, who is a great photographer, come over on Friday and take some pictures of Bailey to frame for the nursery. I sincerely hope that none of my neighbors were looking in the backyard, because I'm sure we were quite a sight rolling around on a white sheet with Bailey, trying to pose her and get her to look pretty for the camera. It was Dana's first time photographing a dog and I am guessing it may be her last! Bailey was not exactly supermodel material, but I bet Dana got some good shots.

Bad News: Dana's computer is broken! So I haven't been able to see any of the Bailey pictures yet. I am so anxious to see them but I'm trying to wait patiently. I will be sure to post them once Dana gets them up.

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