Tuesday, February 9, 2010

In Progress

Can you refer to something as "in progress" if the progress has, in fact, come to a complete standstill? Because that's unfortunately the point we're at right now with the nursery. The walls are painted, the chandelier is hung, and the crown molding has been installed. But sadly that's as far as we're going to get for awhile. The beautiful bedding that Brian's mom made us is still hanging out at the in-laws' house because the cribs still remain in their boxes (which is killing me because I am dying to see them!). The walls are bare and none of the cute stuff we got at our shower has been hung up in the closet.

The reason for the lack of progress? The new carpet that we ordered several weeks ago is, of course, on back order and won't be here until the last week of February. Upon finding this out last week, I had what you might call a small freak-out (yes, tears and everything...I'm blaming the hormones!). I suddenly wanted the nursery complete and I wanted it complete YESTERDAY. I wanted everything to be completely ready for the babies' arrival...and it was going to kill me to not be able to work on the nursery at all until the end of February/beginning of March. Brian listened patiently to my freak-out but, being a guy, failed to understand the urgency of the situation. He tried to use logic with me and told me that we would still have plenty of time to get the nursery together and that it just didn't make sense to put the cribs together and get everything set up if everything would just have to be moved out of the room in a couple of weeks. But he soon realized that all the logic in the world was not going to make his pregnant wife stop freaking out, so he offered a couple of solutions: to pick different carpet that would be here sooner, or to just go ahead and put the cribs together and deal with moving everything out of the room and then back into the room once the new carpet was installed. I stopped freaking out long enough to say I would think about those ideas.

Fortunately (especially for poor Brian), I did manage to calm myself down and reign in my hormonal craziness...and so I have decided to just be patient, wait for the carpet, and do nothing. Well, not exactly nothing. I have recently discovered the wonderfulness that is etsy (I know, I'm kinda late in catching on to this). I have gone a bit crazy looking at decor for the nursery, clothes for the babies, stationery, you name it. So at least I can stay inspired so that I'm ready to get to it once I am able to resume work on the nursery!

On another note, my blog is still failing to show that it's been updated...which means that probably no one is reading this, but if anyone happens to be reading who is a blogger expert and has a solution that will make the blog update again, please let me know!


  1. I am reading:)...Our crib was on back order and did not arrive until the night before I had Jake so I was literally setting everything up while I was having contractions:) You will have plenty of time but I completely understand the "freak out" and wanting everything done NOW!!

  2. i'm reading! I completely understand wanting to have it all done!!! Hang in there- maybe the carpet will get here early!

  3. I was the same way with all 3 of my pregnancies. Brandon called it nesting. By the 3rd one, he would just get that glazed over look (while patiently listening of course) when I went on one of my "I must get everything done NOW!" rants. Oh, those were the days!

  4. It will all come together- but I am with you. I love getting everything set up and arranged. I might have opted with the let's put it all together and then move it out when the carpet comes! :) Your shower looked really nice and the food looked yummy! I think only a pregnant girl would zoom in on the food table and see what was there! Ha!
