Thursday, February 2, 2012

Singleton Day (Yep, Again!)

This time it was unplanned, and not that much fun for poor Mr.Jensen. The kiddos have had runny noses for a few days now, but had been acting totally fine. But Tuesday night, my buddy took a major turn for the worse and became feverish, grouchy, clingy and whiny. Completely unlike him...and then the crying started. I would hold him and he would just cry and one point, his little lip quivered like it did when he would cry when he was a baby. Of course this was all too much for me and caused me to tear up a bit myself! I cannot stand seeing him that way. Tylenol didn't do much good and we were up for a lot of the night...finally at about 5 a.m. I brought Jensen to our bed, where he slept until almost 7 (the best sleep he had all night).

By the time we made it to the doctor in the morning, Jensen's fever was over 103. Strep tests and RSV tests were negative (thank goodness) but a quick check of his ears showed that they both had pretty nasty infections. Fortunately my mom didn't have anything major planned for the day, so off to Grandma's house Charlie went so I could care for my patient. Our first stop was the Sonic drive-thru for a special treat: Mr.Jensen's first milkshake.

Without further adieu, here are lots of pictures of my kiddo drinking a milkshake. Because he's really cute. And those eyelashes are ridiculous!

After lunch, I finally got Jensen down for a nap. But he wouldn't go down without a fight...and by that, I mean he refused to wear pants. I guess he was hot! So he slept pants-less and I hoped for no accidents or diaper removal.

Love those little legs!

Today my little guy is still not back to himself, but he's getting there. It continues to amaze me how difficult it is, both physically and emotionally, to have a sick child. But sometimes it comes with a little extra blessing, and in this case, it was seeing my little man in our bed. The last time either Charlotte or Jensen slept in our bed was when they were one month old and had strep throat. So when I brought Jensen into bed, I wondered whether Brian would object. But as I laid Jensen down between us, he slowly reached out his little hand to take Brian's...and as I watched Brian curl his fingers around Jensen's tiny hand, I think my heart just about exploded with love. It's hard to put into words how tough this parenting thing is, but it's impossible to put into words how amazing it can be.

1 comment:

  1. poor Jensen! Rhys has had his fair share of ear infections and I agree, it is painful to watch them in so much pain.

    Glad he got to have his first milkshake though, what a special treat :)

    and yes, those eye lashes are ridiculous and I am way jealous!
