Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Four Months!

All the music of life seems to be 
Like a bell that is ringing for me
...It's almost like being in love!
--Frank Sinatra

 And where was I before the day that I first saw your lovely face?
Now I see it every day.
And I know that I am the luckiest.
--Ben Folds

When all is said and done, I'd never count the cost
It's worth all that's lost
Just to see you smile.
--Tim McGraw

I won't ever, ever let you down.
I won't fall
I won't fall
I won't fall as long as you're around me.

I can't believe what God has done
Through us He's given life to one
Who's so very lovely, made of love.
--Stevie Wonder 

You're gonna miss this
You're gonna want this back.
You're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast.
These are some good times, so take a good look around
You may not know it now,
But you're gonna miss this.
--Trace Adkins

 Everything in twos
You never knew
You'd make me whole again.
--Better Than Ezra

The resolution of all my fruitless searches...
--Peter Gabriel

Living for the only thing you ever made complete
And the one thing that you both did perfectly.
--Better Than Ezra

Everything I have to give,
I'll give to you.
--Ray LaMontagne

You are the best thing that's ever been mine.
--Taylor Swift

I can tell you where we're gonna be
When the whole world falls to the sea
We'll be living ever after happily.
--Bob Schneider

As I was thinking of how to sum up this past month, the first song lyrics seemed to say it all: It's almost like being in love. I feel like our family is in that place that's like when you're newly in love and everything you see and do reminds you of that person...even every song you hear seems to be written especially for your relationship (hence the song lyrics sprinkled around this post). 

When Charlotte and Jensen were born, people kept telling us that if we could just make it to six weeks, things would start getting easier, more fun, more manageable. Six weeks came and went with pretty much no change, and I felt like I might lose my mind...until I remembered the words of my friend and fellow twin mom Whitney, who just shook her head when I told her the "six weeks" thing. "Three months," she said. And she was right. Once the three month mark came, we started easing out of survival mode and into "Wow-these-babies-are-pretty-fun-and-actually-do-more-than-eat-sleep-and-poop" mode. I'm not going to lie, I still have many moments of feeling overwhelmed, and I still need lots of help, but all in all it has gotten easier. And please, just let me enjoy it for now...I already know that once they are crawling/walking/running, it will be a whole new ballgame. We're in the honeymoon phase right now where if you put them down somewhere, they are stuck right where you want them! Awesome!

Although, as you are about to see, one thing has gotten more difficult: taking their pictures! They are moving all around and are in that phase where everything they can reach needs to go directly into their mouths. But here are their four-month pics and a little bit about what Charlotte and Jensen have been up to this month.

Charlotte Anne at 4 Months:

The only smile we could capture!

I love this look.

Our little Charlie-Bug. She has really calmed down into a very content baby...although she still brings the drama when she isn't happy! She loves to roll onto her side and I think she'll be going all the way over soon. She has only laughed a couple of times but she loves to talk and she uses so many facial expressions and different inflections in her voice--it's like she is telling a story that she really wants you to understand. Brian always feeds Charlotte her dinnertime bottle and she takes forever to eat because she just looks up at him smiling and chatting. She likes to go to bed early (like her mom) and is very happy in her crib. She has really only laughed out loud one time...she is going to be a bit more difficult to amuse than her brother. The main object of her affection is her musical bug. She LOVES her bug and usually when she is close to rolling over it's because she's trying to get closer to her bug.

You can also see her unfortunate side bald spot in this pic. What the heck is up with my babies' hair?!?

Already hogging the phone!

Jensen Todd at 4 Months:

I love my happy little man!

Our chunky little man! Jensen is happy, sweet and patient. But he can be a wild man sometimes! Lately he has been spending his afternoons in his diaper and nothing else (because by afternoon we have usually gone through about four outfits due to spit-up problems). He likes to lay on his soft blanket in the living room, kick his legs around in the air, and SCREAM! 

Being loud and crazy is so much fun!

Jensen has also started really concentrating on things. When he's really focused, he will put his feet together, toes pointed. I love it.

The face of concentration...

And the feet to match the face!

We also have a new favorite activity...playing airplane with Dad! 

My boys.

Here are some pics of Charlotte and Jensen together--sadly, this is the best one we could get:

The rest all look like this...

Mmmm...tasty bow! Mmmm..tasty hands!

...or this:

...or this:

Mom? Dad? This chair's a bit slippery.
Month four was the best one yet. Charlotte and Jensen have changed so much and have become even more of a joy. Lately, it seems like every day brings something new...a new noise, a new facial expression, a new milestone accomplished. It's exciting and it's scary. I can't wait to see what month five brings.


  1. I'm so glad you have Whitney to give you awesome twin mommy advice! And, that's great to hear that it's past the eat-sleep-poop phase! :)

  2. I'm all teary-eyed seeing your beautiful babies growing up. Savor, savor, savor! It only goes faster...and gets more fun!

  3. I love this post! You are all such a cute little family!! Every month gets better- it's so fun!

  4. So sweet and what a great post! Love you guys!
