Friday, August 6, 2010

A Public Service Announcement

I would like to take this opportunity to inform you all of a very serious problem that's plaguing our nation...

twin-on-twin violence.

Reported cases of twin-on-twin violence are on the rise, such as this incident that was caught on (crappy iPhone) camera this very morning...

These twins were placed a few inches apart on blankets...but little by little, Charlotte scooted her way closer to her unsuspecting brother.
Charlie senses that she is close enough to her brother to give him a kick!

She lands her first blow!

Ouch! Jensen is thankful for his padded diaper.

He fights back and gets her in a leg-lock!

Fortunately, in this case, there were no injuries and the twins were friends again by nap time. But only time will tell when the next incident of twin-on-twin violence will occur!

(This really did just happen this morning and it was quite funny. Charlotte apparently liked the way it felt when she kicked Jensen's diaper, so she just laid there kicking him repeatedly. He took it like a man though! I would also like you to know that Jensen does have clothes. He just spits up a lot and it was almost bath time, so he got to chill in his diaper for a bit.)


  1. Ha! I am loving your posts! SO funny, and the babies are so precious, even when they are committing acts of violence!

  2. Very cute....they are so big!! I want to see them again!! I expect many acts of violence in our household in just 2 short months considering Jake likes to throw his baby doll (the one he has at school to help him prepare for the real baby)up against the wall when he is done playing with it....oh should be interesting.

  3. Made all the funnier by their insane mother.....great write up Marcy
